frontline: pope john paul II - the millennial pope

INTERVIEWS on John Paul II's Life and Legacy

These seven interviews explore the sources of the moral and religious ideas which animate this Pope. They also assess his legacy for the Catholic Church and the world--from his role in the fall of Communism and his rapprochement with Jews, to his fierce opposition to contraception, abortion and married priests, to his views on women, the "culture of death," and, his exhortation to faith in a secular age.

monsignor lorenzo albacete
photo of monsignor lorenzo albacete
Albacete is a professor of theology at St. Joseph's Seminary in New York and a friend of John Paul II. He was president of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico and served as associate professor of theology at the John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family.
neal ascherson
photo of neal ascherson
Ascherson is a journalist who was with the Pope on two of his trips to Poland (1979 and 1983) and has reported on Poland for over 40 years. He wrote two books on the country, including the most recent, The Struggles for Poland. He currently writes for Britain's The Observer.
bill blakemore
photo of bill blakemore
Blakemore was Rome bureau chief for ABC News and its Vatican correspondent from 1978-1983. He traveled with John Paul II on twenty-one international visits and covered the pontiff's role in the peaceful dismantling of the Soviet Union.
james carroll
james carroll
Carroll is a writer and former Paulist priest. He is the author of nine novels and the memoir, An American Requiem.
eamon duffy
photo of eamon duffy
Duffy is a Vatican historian and professor at Cambridge University. He is the author of The Stripping of the Altars and Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes.
anthony judt
photo of anthony judt
Judt is professor of European Studies at New York University and director of its Remarque Institute.
roberto suro
photo of roberto suro
Suro is a journalist for The Washington Post and reported full time on John Paul II from 1984-1989 for The New York Times and Time.

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