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alzheimer's disease links

New York Online Access to Health (NOAH)
A comprehensive and accessible primer on Alzheimer's disease is available on this site. NOAH is an authoritative health information network offering a variety of health topics in both English and Spanish.
Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer's Association is a national U.S. non-profit organization providing support to families and caregivers. Their extensive web site includes basic information on Alzheimer's and resources for patients and caregivers, including a list of local Alzheimer's Association chapters which give information on care services, and links to online chat and support groups. The site also provides an overview of current research.
The Alzheimer Page is the companion web site to the ALZHEIMER email discussion group, created and sponsored by the Washington University Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) in St. Louis, Missouri. The email list is an open discussion forum intended for patients, family members, caregivers and researchers to share questions and information about Alzheimer's. The web site provides information on joining the list, as well as excerpts from the list on frequently discussed topics and a searchable archive. Also available is a fact sheet on the stages of Alzheimer's.
This site, created by NetHealth, Inc., and supported by Bayer, provides a community bulletin board, an archive of Alzheimer's related news stories, and articles and fact sheets written for families and caregivers. The creators describe the site as "a gateway to information about Alzheimer's disease on the Internet."
Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center
The ADEAR Center is a service of the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Their web site provides a toll free phone number and an email address for access to experts who can answer questions about Alzheimer's. On-line publications include updates on current NIA research, Alzheimer's fact sheets and extensive yearly progress reports on the state of Alzheimer's research. The site also includes a searchable bibliographic database of more than 5,000 abstracts of books and journal articles on Alzheimer's and a searchable database of clinical drug trials.
Alzheimer's Research Forum
The Alzheimer's Research Forum is a non-profit organization that promotes collaboration among Alzheimer's disease researchers. Though primarily directed towards researchers and other professionals working with Alzheimer's, it does include a section for laypersons, which provides abstracts of current research papers, a diagnosis and treatment guide, and links to Alzheimer's news sources, research centers and support groups for caregivers. The section dedicated to physicians includes a series of interviews with top researchers in the field and posts articles for discussion and comment.

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