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join the discussion: What are your reactions to this report on the plea bargain and its role in America's criminal justice system?



I've been on probation in Brazos County since 2001. I was out of work for almost a year. I did everything else they asked me to do (counsiling, community service, classes, etc.) but I got behind on my probation fees.

This week they notified me that I have until August 11th to pay $956.00 or go to jail. Tody is 6/17/04.

College Station, Texas


I strongly disagree with the sentence of Charles Gampero Jr., and after i, and million viewers watched, that at the end of "The Plea", so does the victim's father (Mr. Weingrad). Judge Egitto should become a movie director, not a judge, the way he scripted what he felt happened before Charles Jr. even entered his courtroom was very a mockery! I really pray that he does not get denied and spend another [year] in Fallsburg N.Y..

TJ Sila
manalapan, New Jersey


Charles Gampero has served 8 1/2 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. In the 8 1/2 years he served he has been on good behavior. Mr. Gampero and his family and friends have suffered enough. Charles Gampero is a very caring, loving, individual who unfortunately was at the wrong place at the wrong time and it put him behind bars. Charles Gampero does not belong at Sullivan Annex, he belongs "home" with his friends and family who miss him very much. I hope the courts consider his release.

Sabrina Sanzone
ozone park, new york


I would like to make a donation to Erma Stewart. Her story stunned me. Does anyone have an idea on how I could go about this?


Colin Meredith
Ottawa, Ontario

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

Erma Faye Stewart's address is available on this page.


As a judge, and former prosecutor, who has presided over hundreds of cases which resulted in plea bargains I often wonder if my Boykin colloquy with a defendant simply encourages and perpetuates a lie which our system refuses to acknowledge. It often appears that Judges are concerned with Case Management, District Attorneys with maintaining high conviction rates, and Public Defenders with trying not to "cave in" from their heavy caseloads. The end result is "injustice" more often than Justice.

Alan Green
Marrero, Louisiana


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posted june 17, 2004

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