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The Future - Is the Army Broken?
With the U.S. Army deployed in a dozen hot spots around the world -- on constant alert in Afghanistan and taking almost daily casualties in Iraq -- some current and former officers are saying the Army is on the verge of being broken. Offering here their views on the status of the Army and the military in general are Gen. Thomas White (U.S.Army-Ret.), Secretary of the Army 2001-2003; Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper (U.S. Marine Corps-Ret.); Thomas Ricks, Pentagon correspondent for The Washington Post; John Hamre, president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Dana Priest, staff writer for The Washington Post; Col. Douglas MacGregor (U.S. Army-Ret.); Walter Slocombe, former director for national security and defense in the Coalition Provisional Authority; and Gen. Joseph P. Hoar (U.S. Marine Corps-Ret.), commander of CENTCOM 1991 to 1994.

The failure to secure iraq
What were the fundamental misjudgments and missteps that contributed to the post-war internal turmoil in Iraq which now, 18 months later, has spawned an increasing insurgency? Commenting here are Thomas Ricks, Pentagon correspondent for The Washington Post; Walter Slocombe, former director for national security and defense in the Coalition Provisional Authority; John Hamre, president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Col. Douglas A. MacGregor (U.S.Army-Ret); Lt. Gen Paul Van Riper (U.S. Marine Corps-Ret); Gen. Joseph P. Hoar, (U.S. Marine Corps-Ret.), Commander, CENTCOM (1991-1994); and Gen. Thomas White (U.S. Army-Ret.).

who is donald rumsfeld...
Commenting here on the traits of character, temperament and leadership that define Rumsfeld, now in his second tour of duty as U.S. secretary of defense, are Dana Priest, staff writer for The Washington Post; Thomas Ricks, Pentagon correspondent for The Washington Post; Gen. Thomas White (U.S. Army-Ret.), former secretary of the Army; James Mann, author of The Rise of the Vulcans; and John Hamre, president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Pushing 'Transformation'
Some comments and stories about Rumsfeld's contentious battle with the Pentagon bureaucracy to overhaul the way the U.S. military thinks and fights, drawing from FRONTLINE's interviews with Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper (U.S. Marine Corps-Ret.); Gen. Thomas White (U.S. Army-Ret.), Secretary of the Army 2001-2003; Gen. Joseph P. Hoar (U.S. Marine Corps-Ret.), Commander, CENTCOM (1991-1994); and Thomas Ricks, Pentagon correspondent for The Washington Post.

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posted oct. 26, 2004

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