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| Donald H. Rumsfeld

photo of rumsfeld

A 72-year-old veteran of the Republican ideological wars over foreign policy, Rumsfeld has figured prominently in almost every Republican administration since Richard Nixon's.

· U.S. Representative (R.) (Nixon)
· Director, Office of Economic Opportunity (Nixon)
· Ambassador to NATO (Nixon)
White House Chief of Staff (Ford)
· Secretary of Defense (Ford)
· CEO, G. D. Searle & Co. (Carter, Reagan)
· Presidential envoy to the Middle East (Reagan)
· Private businessman (Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, Clinton)
· Secretary of Defense (G. W. Bush)

| Richard B. Cheney

photo of cheney

Cheney, 63, the Bush administration's chief hawk on foreign policy, has served in government during six of the last seven administrations.

· Executive branch assistant (Nixon, Ford)
· White House Chief of Staff (Ford)
· U.S. Representative (R.) (Carter, Reagan)
· House Minority Whip (Reagan)
· Secretary of Defense (G. H. W. Bush)
· President and CEO, Halliburton (Clinton)
· Vice President (G. W. Bush)

| Paul D. Wolfowitz

photo of wolfowitz

A leading neo-conservative thinker, Wolfowitz, 60, has served in Republican administrations since the early 1970s.

· Ph.D., political science, University of Chicago (Nixon)
· Analyst, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (Nixon, Ford, Carter)
· Assistant Secretary of State (Reagan)
· Ambassador to Indonesia (Reagan)
· Undersecretary of Defense for Policy (G. H. W. Bush)
· Professor of international relations, Johns Hopkins University (Clinton)
· Deputy Secretary of Defense (G. W. Bush)

| Colin Powell

photo of powell

Powell, 67, the most powerful Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in history, formulated a military doctrine on use of force that guided policy in the 1990s.

· White House fellow (Nixon)
· Army Officer (Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan)
· National Security Adviser (Reagan)
· Four-star General (G. H. W. Bush)
· Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (G. H. W. Bush, Clinton)
· Founder, America's Promise (Clinton)
· Secretary of State (G. W. Bush)

| Richard L. Armitage

photo of armitage

A 59-year-old Vietnam veteran and businessman, Armitage has served in both the Pentagon and the State Department. He is a close friend of Colin Powell.

· Commissioned Ensign, U.S. Navy (Nixon, Ford)
· Assistant to Sen. Bob Dole (R.) (Carter)
· Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reagan)
· International negotiator for the President (G. H. W. Bush, Clinton)
· President, Armitage Associates, L.C. (Clinton)
· Deputy Secretary of State (G. W. Bush)

| Condoleezza Rice

photo of rice

The youngest member of the Bush war cabinet at 49, Rice first served in government during the Reagan administration.

· Ph.D., international studies, University of Denver (Reagan)
· Professor of political science, Stanford University (Reagan)
· Special Assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Reagan)
· Special Assistant to the President (G. H. W. Bush)
· Provost, Stanford University (Clinton)
· National Security Adviser (G. W. Bush)

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posted oct. 26, 2004

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