who was lee harvey oswald?
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oswald and marina leaving minskjoin the discussion...How would you answer the question, Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? Do you believe he acted alone?


I would like to thank you for rebroadcast of the Frontline Program on Oswald. This program is one of the more detailed and less sensationalized programs on the JFK assassination. I am one of the many Americans who was an adult, and remember vividly that day. I have never been able to completely accept the government version of events or most of the conspiracy theories written for profit on the assassination. Unfortunately,possibily due to time constraints, many questions, too numerous to go into here,were not answered and matters of concern that have surfaced through the years were either not addressed or were not answered on your program with facts but with opinion. The subject of Oswald's mental condition and Ruby's motivation are dealt with by Mr. Posner with pure speculation. For instance, Mr. Posner says he knows what Ruby meant during his TV appearance. I find that hard to believe and causes me and I am sure others to question Mr. Posner's other statements. If statements such as this made by Mr. Posner and others on the Frontline program were made by conspiracy buffs, and they have been, they would be immediately attacked and ridiculed. Even with these opinions and suppositions, your program was well worth the time spent and adds to the knowledge on the assassination.

Judy Bean


As usual "Frontline" did an excellent job of presenting a thorough account of an important subject with no whiff of bias. I found it extremely persuasive for the first time that Oswald could have acted alone. That does not change the fact that there are still many witnesses and investigators that also present a convincing argument for some level of conspiracy. This is an absolutely fascinating subject that will probably be argued over for decades to come. Many thanks!

Mark Brown
Sparta, Illinois


I found your program to be very biased and slanted. The majority of your interviews were with people who are clearly prejudiced against the idea of a conspiracy. You could have tried to be "fair and balanced" in the true sense by giving equal time to both points of view and really taking each side to task. You go over certain details from one point of view and gloss over the points where your story wears thin.

There is no doubt that this is a complicated issue that will likely never be solved. You could have done your viewers a better service by being more objective.

Much blame has been thrown towards Oliver Stone for playing with the facts in his film JFK. By not reporting both sides thoroughly you have done the same.

Too bad you've decided to play it safe. However you're not likely to convince anyone. Truth be told, 2/3 of U.S. citizens beleived there was more to the story in 1963 and more of us believe it now 40 years later.

Keith Eagle


I have one question to ask everyone. If Oswald did it, then why did the government lie about the autopsy. Why did they say that the group of doctors who saw JFK, lied about what they saw? Why were there fake pictures of the autopsy produced, that were proven to be fake? Why did the secret service do 15 things wrong that day when the president was assassinated?

Mike Susor
youngstown, Ohio


Lee Harvey Oswald was an outcast. Oswald was rejected by groups, organizations and even society. The fantasy world he lived in allowed him to believe his own greatness while at the same time understand his own feeble obscurity. His life was a desperate and pathetic attempt to achieve notoriety at the expense of anything and everthing. I do not know if he acted alone or with help, I just know that we all crave a significant explanation for the assassination of one of our greatest leaders by an insignificant man.

Christopher Martoche
Buffalo, New York


Well, well, well the lone-gunman theory is alive and well 40 years after the fact. I just want to know one thing, does the CIA pay your producers directly or do they use a front organization so no one can trace the paper trail back to them? The amount of info you conveniently left out could fill an encyclopedia. You still have not proved to me that there was no conspiracy. You omitted eyewitness reports of gunshots coming from the grassy knoll. You omitted sightings of Oswald speaking with Jack Ruby in his nightclub days before the shooting. Many things omitted. And try as you may as long as there is doubt out there as to the truth you will never convince the American people that elements within the United States government had no part in the killing of there own president. Tell that to your "employers".

Donyale McRae
New York, NY


Why did all the doctors at Parkland unable to identify the official photos of Kennedy's official autopsy photos as consistant with the wounds they observed when they worked on Kennedy? This discepency was also supported by a corpsman in attendance at the autopsy at Bethesda. The doctors were not called in 1978 to comment why not?

george gray
Fairfax, CA


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posted november 20, 2003

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