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Thank you for an excellent piece of journalism....

Asher Derman
elizabeth, nj


Thanks for airing "Shattered Dreams of Peace". It was extremely interesting and detailed. I've learned so much about the Palestinians and Israelis, but I'm really angry at the Israelis for allowing Sharon, the well-known war criminal, to enter to Islamic site in Jerusalem. That seems to be the reason why the intifadah broke out. Now, I believe that Sharon did that on purpose to end the negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis. What a shame! Hope to see peace in the region.

Marie Ambrosio
north bergen, new jersey


I thought this presentation quite fair and thorough.

However, at no time did I hear any criticisms of the suicide bombers at the beginning of the terrorism but when Israels mistakenly bombed civilians, the world reacted.

The Palestinians also call upon the world to help them because they are 'an occupied people.' The world has forgotten that Israel wanted to give back the land back in 1967. The world has also forgotten that the Palestinians are the only people who were never absorbed by their neighbors. Israel allowed them freedom that their camps under UN control never would.

Madeline Albright said it right: Arafat never saw himself as a democratic leader, only as a 'freedom fighter'.

It is getting a little boring seeing Palestinian reaction to any and all Israeli actions, small or large, with rioting, stone throwing and hysterical women screaming and men shooting off weapons into the air.

freehold, nj

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