Russia's Nuclear Complex
Arzamas-16 (Kremlev); (Renamed: Sarov)
Site of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF).

Warhead design; final warhead assembly and dismantlement.


Weapons-grade uranium
At least 510 kg of HEU enriched to between 85-90% (research reactor fuel).

IAEA safeguards

Arzamas-16 is a MINATOM nuclear weapons facility. The US-Russia lab-to-lab program has demonstrated a model material control and accounting system at Arzamas-16. The lab-to-lab program has also deployed nuclear portal monitors at Arzamas 16.

Historical background on Arzamas:
"The primary mission of Arzamas-16 has been to design nuclear warheads. The institute fabricates experimental and prototype warheads. Some factory production probably took place at Arzamas-16 in the early years. Komsomolskaya Pravda described the work of an "engineer fitter" who worked in a shop of about 30 people engaged in the final assembly of bomb and missile warheads. He claimed to have assembled several thousand nuclear warheads over a fourteen-year period. Minatom Minister Mikhailov in 1992 identified Arzamas-16 as one of four facilities for the assembly and disassembly of warheads. This suggests that the production capacity at Arzamas-16 may be as much as several hundred warheads per year." --Excerpted from Making the Russian Bomb-from Stalin to Yeltsin by Thomas B. Cochran, Robert S. Norris, and Oleg A. Bukharin, Westview Press, San Francisco.

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