Six O' Clock News


Here are some of the best of the interviews and analyses:

  • "Southern Exposure: An Interview with Ross McElwee"
    by Scott MacDonald, Film Quarterly, Summer 1988

    MacDonald talked with McElwee in early 1987 and subsequently they exchanged tapes to flesh out more of their conversation. This is a fascinating interview, exploring McElwee and his unique style of filmmaking.

  • "An Interview with Ross McElwee"
    by Gil Lahav, Harvard Advocate Spring 1994

    "Does filming life make you more or less conscious of its brevity?" "How do you conceive of the relationship between life and art?" "What makes you decide not to film certain subjects or events?"

    These are some of the questions in an interview filled with philosophical queries about life and filmmaking.

  • "The Meaning of Life"
    by Stephen Rodrick, Boston Magazine, September 1994

    A thoughtful overview of McElwee's life and work which includes a look at the community of independent, alternative filmmakers McElwee found in Boston and at M.I.T. Among the influences there: Richard Leacock and Ed Pincus, two American cinema verite legends.

  • "McElwee's March--As in Life, There Are No Scripts to Ross McElwee's Films and He Hopes To Keep It That Way"
    MovieMaker Magazine, December 1993 and January 1994

    This two-part interview by Paula Hunt offers a good portrait of the filmmaker and his approach to his work. The q&a's include how he films, what equipment he uses, why he doesn't shoot video, what success has offered him and, the big thematic continuities in his films.

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