The Investigation

tailhook '91
Inspector GeneralThere was a series of investigations and judicial proceedings following the revelations of Tailhook '91:

April 1992
The Inspector General and the Naval Investigative Service issues a 2000 page report vividly detailing a drunken scene at Tailhook '91 where dozens of women were accosted and sexually molested. The report provoked more outrage and a call for more investigation.
In August of 1992 the Pentagon's Inspector General launched a set of investigations.

September 1992
The Pentagon's Inspector General issues a very critical report on the Navy's inquiry saying senior Navy officials deliberately undermined their own investigation to avoid bad publicity, and ignored the participation of senior officers at Tailhook.

April 1993
The second part of the Pentagon's Inspector General report was issued and stated that the investigative files of at least 140 officers were being referred to the military services for possible disciplinary action for indecent exposure, assault, conduct unbecoming an officer and lying to Pentagon investigators under oath.
However, both the Pentagon and Navy's prosecutorial methods were criticized, in particular, the practice of granting immunity to a number of junior officers which allowed some guilty junior officers to escape prosecution. In addition there was evidence of questionable interview techniques, careless interview reporting and inappropriate questions asked e.g. queries regarding sexual histories and behaviors.
There was at least one officer 'implicated' and punished despite his insistence he wasn't at Tailhook '91 - which was later verified.

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