Q: How long did you intend to keep the hold on, Senator?

DURENBERGER: Well, I intended to keep the hold on till I got the answers, because it didn't seem that difficult to produce. They could have produced the Inspector General's report. If they gave the Inspector General's report to the Armed Services Committee, give it to one more Senator, and I'm not going to abuse it, because I made it clear all the way along, and my record's pretty clear on this point. I needed it only to reach a conclusion, which I would have informed the Navy about before I ever informed Rebecca Hansen, because I would need their help to put it in perspective. If they were right, the record shows they're right, I'd need their help in putting it in perspective, because she still had a career in the Navy. You know. She should have had a career in the Navy. And you want to then say her career's not going to be a helicopter pilot. It's going to be something else. But I want to use the occasion of talking to Rebecca Hansen about her future in the Navy, not that, you know, the Navy's right; you're wrong; go get lost; go get another career, or something like that.

Q: Was Rebecca Hansen probably an example of the post Tailhook Navy, the more sensitive Navy, the politically correct Navy, in the way they were at least publicly to you saying they were dealing with her?

DURENBERGER: Again, I don't want to be judgmental about somebody I don't know well, but my impression of Rebecca, or any woman in the Navy at that particular time, is that they had-- particularly in naval aviation, there are two problems. One, that the Navy is in transition in interpreting what is sexual harassment. So right away, if you are being sexually harassed-- And she was, very seriously, and the Navy dealt with it right away and appropriately, so we know that's not the issue in this case. But she got that kind of a potential problem as a woman. As an aviator, you got an even tougher problem, because the Navy is really taking only the best.

Q: You feel any remorse, guilt, sadness about it?

DURENBERGER: No. I just feel maybe I should have done more for Rebecca Hansen, to try to get at the heart of it. I don't know what more I could have done. I've certainly been accused of more things than I could have conceived, being guilty. I mean, unleashing the feminists, and you know, right up to contributing to Admiral Boorda's death.

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