
Linda Birnbaum, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.

Acting Associate Director for Health, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Approximately 40 scientists at Birnbaum's EPA laboratory in North Carolina are studying endocrine disruption. She has long been interested in chemicals that affect hormone systems. Her expertise is in studying dioxin and PCBs, both very potent at disrupting hormones.

Theo Colborn, Ph.D.

Senior Program Scientist and Director of the Wildlife and Contaminants Program, World Wildlife Fund, Inc. Colborn was a grandmother with a background in pharmacy when she returned to school and got her Ph.D. at the age of fifty-eight. She is the co-author of Our Stolen Future (1996) and organizer of a groundbreaking 1991 meeting at the Wingspread conference center in Wisconsin that brought together scientists to discuss the evidence on endocrine disruption.

Dawn Forsythe

Former Manager of Government Affairs Sandoz Agro, Inc. (now Novartis). Forsythe was the head of government affairs for Sandoz Agro, Inc. in Illinois (now Novartis), a pesticide manufacturer. Forsythe was the company's sole lobbyist for the United States and headed the pesticide industry's first committee on endocrine disruption before she left Sandoz at the end of 1996.

Louis (Lou) J. Guillette, Ph.D.

Professor of Zoology Department of Zoology, University of Florida. Guillette has studied alligators in Florida for over ten years. Based on Theo Colborn's work, and the findings at the 1991 Wingspread conference in Wisconsin, he shifted his research to hormones -- asking whether environmental contaminants could be affecting alligator health and development.

Stephen (Steve) Safe, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Toxicology, Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology at Texas A&M University. Safe has conducted major research into the anti-estrogenic effects of manmade chemicals. He has been a leading critic of the endocrine disruption hypothesis espoused by Theo Colborn and others.

Frederick (Fred) vom Saal, Ph.D.

Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri. A leading researcher in the field of developmental biology, Vom Saal has studied the effects of both natural and synthetic hormones at extremely low doses. His studies that have shown that extremely low doses of hormones can permanently alter development of the reproductive system in mice. He has also studied how manmade chemicals, including plastics, can mimic hormones at extremely low doses.

Jay Vroom

President, American Crop Protection Association (formerly the National Agricultural Chemicals Association).Vroom heads the not-for-profit trade organization of U.S. manufacturers, formulators and distributors of agricultural crop protection and pest control products. Founded in 1933, ACPA has an annual budget of approximately $10 million and a membership composed of companies that produce, sell and distribute virtually all the active compounds used in crop protection chemicals registered for use in the United States.


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