A FRONTLINE report on the controversy over the danger of man-made chemicals to wildlife and human health,  including an examination of new scientific evidence.
Something's happening to alligators in Florida's Lake Apopka. Male alligators born in this lake contaminated by manmade chemicals are showing dramatic changes in their reproductive systems. Today, there is growing evidence these chemicals are disrupting development in other wildlife too--but are humans also at risk?

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Fooling With Nature

FRONTLINE examines new evidence in the controversy over the danger of manmade chemicals to human health and the environment, thirty-five years after Rachel Carson first raised concerns of an impending ecological crisis. Currently, millions in research and public relations dollars are being spent in the battle, and President Clinton is calling this one of his top environmental priorities. The film takes viewers inside the world of scientists, politicians, activists, and business officials embroiled in this high-stakes debate that threatens the multibillion dollar chemical industry.

published june 1998