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join the discussion: Can Islam adapt to the modern world? Are new interpretations of Islam challenging the true nature of the faith?


Yeah why not? The problem that i think is that when ever someone talks about modernization in the Islamic world, they want to impose all the western values, which is really unfair. Muslims can be modern, just dont impose your will on them, and give them the oppurtunity to explore Islam on their own. Anyone can gain so much knowledge from the teachings of Islam.

Imran Khan
East Meadow, NY


Uneducated American as well as Islamic people are the same. The ones that hate are usually unschooled in the ways of the world. We think they are evil and they think that we want to control the world. The truth is most Americans do not hate and are reading and trying to learn about Islam.

Eileen Darbonne
Friendswood, Texas


Islam has been here since Adam and Eve and will always be here till the End. Muslims believe all prophets were Muslims including Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and of course Muhammad. The only difference is the interpretation. Islam can adapt to the modern world now or anytime in the future. How? Interpretation. Islam is a religion of interpretations. A good muslim will and can make a good interpretation. How ? Learn. Who has the right interpretations ? That's where many differences occur. If and only if the people who interprete can be honest, unbiased, and of course well learned than can we get the right interpretation. Will these new interpretations challenge the true nature of faith ? Challenge is good and will always be there. It provides discussions which then provides a better and hopefully a just and more correct interpretations. Faith that is challenge can only get stronger.

Radi Nor
Washington, DC


An excellent work compiled into only two hours. My compliments to Frontline for their honest approach towards representing Islam and Muslims across many Muslim countries and cultures. This program was refreshing considering a previous program "Jihad in America", which painted a FALSE monolithic threat that Muslims posed to this country. I believe that it is only through the sincere understanding of cultures and religions that we can all live peacefully with one another and this program proves that Frontline is dedicated to honest representations of "other" cultures and religions.

Tarek Shahbandar
lakewood, oh


What Yasemin Saib, from New York is doing is very necessary; creating a better image of the Islamic religion and those who practice. Though an intelligent person for the longest time, I have looked at all Muslims as terrorist. The entire Muslim religion is one that condones and encourages violence against non-Muslims. I know that this is not so for the entire religion, but when I am being constantly bombarded w/ negativities about Muslims I cannot help but think and feel this way.

Muslims must stop allowing a few radicals to provide an identity for all people of Islamic faith.

miami, florida


The show called Muslims was very informative in my opinion. Even though there was at least one erroneous comment made. That comment was the one made by the Saudi woman, now living in America. She stated that the hijab was not a requirement for women. It is a requirement for believing women, but as with everything, you have free will to decide to comply or not comply.

Suadalhadi Al-Hadi
Woodbridge, New Jersey


I found your program on Muslims to be disturbing. Not because of my bourgeois view of Islam, but rather because I found your heretofore unimpeachable editorial balance to be all gone awry. I looked forward with interest to the program because this is a subject that fascinates me. Unfortunately, I found the show to be rather soft on questions surrounding any possible shortcomings in the Muslim culture at-large. On the other hand, you certainly provided a lot of face time to carefully selected spokesmen for the cause.

Is this good "investigative journalism"?

Richard Smith
New York, NY


Interpretations? It is more the new distortions of Islam that are challenging the true nature of the faith. There is tremendous turmoil in many Muslim nations, with many ruled by dictators, kings, tyrants, and the odd nutcase - unfortunately aided, at times, by the West.

I believe the Muslim world will be better off with the introduction of democracy; Islam places a lot of emphasis on the rights of individuals, and the right to chose - and replace - their leaders should be foremost among them.

Americans must push their government to support democracy; if Arab/Muslim leaders want our friendship, they should get it only if they are democratically elected.

If democracy means a party espousing an Islamic platform, so be it; if it gets elected and does a good job, well and good. If it fails, the people can vote it out of power.

Forget Coke and Big Macs; America's biggest "export" should be the ideal of democracy.

American ideals of equality, freedom and justice for all are not meant for Americans alone; those ideals are truly Islamic, and reflect Islamic values better than the warped legal systems in much of the so-called Muslim world.

saleem syed-ali
logan, ut


You can't have a discussion about Islam without Chistianity and Judaism.

I have longed believed that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are devisive. More people have been killed in the name of one of those religions than in our secular wars. These religions have fostered intolererance and bigotry. They have jusitifed everything from killing of innocents to racial cleansing and the subjugation of women. They postpone accountability for one's actions from the very real and human realm to an unseen deity who will absolve wrong and dispense justice in the afterlife.

Religion is a human invention. What if there was no G*d, Jesus or Allah? What would be the basis of religion? What imaginary construct would we devise in order to divide our one species into us and them?

New York, NY


Yes, Islam can adopt to the modern world. In fact, Islam, or rather the Qur'an and the example of Prophet Muhammed living the Qur'an is at the base of the modern world's progress. Enlightened scholars are now openly admitting that the light of the Qur'an is the probable cause of the Rennaisance. New interpretations are necessary; not just of Islam, but of the Qur'an, itself, the number one guide for all Muslims. It is our i.e., associates of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, the leader of the Muslim American Society, belief that Allah, in the Qur'an, encourages us to look at the Qur'an with a renewed, fresh vision,unencumbered by the influence of the world.

Ronald Shaheed
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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