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Major Themes

Islam and the West, Islamic belief and practice, women and Islam ...

Social, historical, and political perspectives on Islam's worldwide resurgence
Frequently Asked Questions
VIDEO Portraits of Ordinary Muslims
an Islamic scholar at Al Azhar mosque
in defense of strict Sharia law
Muslim Americans after 9/11
the struggle for women's rights
the politics of the head scarf
Islam and modernity
Readings and LinksJoin the DiscussionTeacher's GuideProducer's Chat

Tapes and TranscriptsPress ReactionCreditsPrivacy

PBS LogoFunding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.Additional national sponsorship for FRONTLINE is provided by EarthLink and NPR. Funding for "Muslims" has been provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts, The William & Mary Greve Foundation, Inc.,The Carnegie Corporation of New York, and The Fetzer Institute.earthlink
The William and Mary Greve Foundation, Inc.
Pew Charitable Trusts

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The events of Sept. 11 left many Americans questioning how such atrocities could be perpetrated in the name of religion: specifically, the religion of Islam. Few Americans know much about Islam, yet it continues to be the fastest growing religion in the US today. What is Islam? What do Muslims believe in? And how does their faith shape their lives, identities and their political ideologies? FRONTLINE explores these and other questions in "Muslims," a special two-hour report that examines the fundamental tenets of Islam and the causes behind its current worldwide resurgence.Through interviews with dozens of ordinary Muslims from such diverse countries as Iran, Malaysia, Turkey, and the U.S., FRONTLINE illuminates the perspectives, conflicts, and tensions that are shaping today's Muslim world.

published may 2002