modern meat
is your meat safe?
industrial meat
photo of cutting meatjoin the discussion: Is America's meat supply safe enough? Are you worried about your next burger?


Thw PBS program "Modern Meat" gave the meat eating public an insider's view into what goes into the production of meat and tells us who is responsible for the condition of the meat supply. It is clear that the meat industry is only concerned about making a buck and couldn't care less about the safety of the meat supply.

Personally, I have been a vegetarian for a long time. I made that decision after witnessing the horrors of factory farming first hand as a humane investigator. Athough I am not at risk because I do not eat animals or animal by-products, I have family and loved ones who do. I plan on making sure that they see the rebroadcast of this program.

Beyond the health and safety risks of dirty and infected meat, meat is bad for your health generally as well as being bad for the earth and the environment. In addition there are ethical considerations. Animals are sentient beings that suffer from birth through their short and unnatural lives and violent gruesome deaths.

A plant-based diet is by far the healthiest and most humane choice. Thank You PBS for an outstanding report.

Camille Hankins
Brooklyn, NY


After watching this program I am very much in favor of tighter inspections and controls over this nations meat supply. We have seen too many times what the pressure on managers to make more profit can lead to.

Delma Sawyer

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