modern meat support from earthlink

industrial meat

Consolidation's pros and cons, one cow's journey through the system, and a report on feedlot conditions.

Industry insiders, federal regulators, scientists, consumer advocates, and journalists discuss the safety of America's meat.
the politics of meat

A report on the meat industry's influence on Capitol Hill.
Have the dramatic changes in the U.S. meat industry compromised the safety of America's beef?


live chat with producer friday april 19 at 11am

is your meat safe?

Facts on food-borne illnesses and meat recalls, consumer tips for buying and cooking meat, the debate over antibiotics, and more.
evaluating the inspection system

Are the new regulations working? Experts weigh in. Plus, a look at a controversial court case and the story of an embattled USDA inspector.
inside the slaughterhousediscussion
tapes and transcriptspress reactioncreditsprivacy policy

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industrial meat + interviews + the politics of meat + is your meat safe? + the inspection system
inside the slaughterhouse + producer chat + introduction + discussion + video
tapes & transcripts + press reaction + credits + privacy policy
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Modern Meat

A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control found that a single fast-food hamburger contained beef from more than 100 cows. In the last few decades, American meat production has become a highly mechanized and centralized industry, bringing about significant changes not only in the way meat is produced but also in the way Americans eat. These changes have forced the U.S. Department of Agriculture to institute a new meat inspection process, which gives far greater control to the powerful meat industry. This spring, FRONTLINE investigates the modern meat industry and the safety of our current meat supply.

published april 2002