frontline: the long walk of nelson mandela

photo of a young mandela (smiling)

The Biographers

Biographers Richard Stengel and Anthony Sampson on the Essentials of Mandela's Life and Character
"He had a sense of destiny fairly early on, though he denies that ...Alot of his letters and his interesting essays in jail have a kind of assumption behind them that in the end he will be required to lead his country, as well as his people." Anthony Sampson, biographer
An interview with Richard Stengel richard stengelThis is a most revealing and astute analysis of Mandela, offering fresh insights on many aspects of his life, character and leadership.

In the course of collaborating with Nelson Mandela on his memoirs, Stengel was with him in South Africa for most of 1993, and during the election of 1994, taping approximately 75 hours of interviews and conducting over 30 others. Stengel is Senior Editor at Time Magazine and in addition to the Mandela book, is author of January Sun: One Day, Three Lives, a South African Town.

An interview with Anthony Sampson anthony sampsonAs a British journalist who has visited and reported from South Africa since the 1950s--and who has known Mandela since 1951--Sampson offers a valuable perspective on the central events in Mandela's life and the changes he has observed over the decades in the private and public man. Sampson is the author of the 1999 authorized biography, Mandela.
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