the long road to war
saddam hussein at a rally
Discussion: What does this FRONTLINE report on the history of America's confrontation with Iraq say to you about the endgame the U.S. now is approaching with Saddam Hussein?


What an incredible show. It was intelligent, insightful and thought provoking. I understand so much more of the motivations and history behind the recent months events. Thank you for putting together a program of such high caliber.

Chris Duerrmeier
hoboken, nj


I want to compliment you on your excellent presentation of the road to war. You explained comprehensively and clearly how this travesty developed and helped me to see the other side. However, the toppling of Saddam Hussein will be the opening of a dreadful problem. We have never and cannot impose our system in other countries. Every fiber of my experience, understanding and analysis shudders at the ideological notion that this is possible. I am frightened for this country and the ragged road on which this President is taking. I am desparate to find a means of expressing my profound opposition. I am deeply frustrated at the lack of leadership among politicians and respected individuals in the country today to debate this intelligently.

I am listening to Kanan Makiya speak to Bill Moyers right now and he is full of distortion, naivety, self serving rationales and totally disgusting me.

The idea that private American companies can rebuild Iraq and create democratic institutions is totally ludicrous. I have been a consultant to such companies and they are largely a joke. They are called "AID contractors" and their track record is abysmal.

You don't have to bother answering. I am just letting off steam. I am proud to be a contributor to WETA and you inspire me to keep up my support. However with Bush's policy ruining the economy, that will be become more difficult.

Regina Espenshade
washington, dc


After watching "The Long Road to War" I am more convinced than ever that the coming war is a modern version of a crusade for democracy. Instead of giving nations the offer of becoming democracies, we are telling them to become democratic of suffer the consequences of war. We are using dictatorship tactics to spread democracy.

Douglas Graham
quakertown, pa


Frontline was host this evening to an excellently balanced look at the forces, policies and people at work to bring the U.S. to the brink of war in Iraq. The passionate, divisive rhetoric that has underscored this nation's debate and the world's view of the actions of America in regard to Iraq was put aside for 90 minutes as a clear, historical and accurate portrayal of the complexities that have formed President Bush's vision of Iraq was spelled out in perspective. Thank you, Frontline for a journalistic juggernaut.

Ron Beam
dayton, ohio


Thank you for your superior journal- a portrayal of minds and figures at their best and worst. You have provided us with a look at the best and brightest of men who have lived in the real world vs those who have only toiled in the world of philosophic fiction. The blood of our sons and daughters and the blood of countless others will be let by those who have never fought but only taught. Alas, Paul Wolfewitz and Richard Perle, et al., do you know what you have done?

galt, ca


I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. I do not typically watch PBS, but found myself glued to the program. My only concern is, the lack of depth concerning Saddam's notorious actions towards his own people. Thank you, I will look for Frontline in the future.

Jeff Jacobs
farmington, mn


Thank you for airing FRONTLINE tonight. It provided insight and intuitive knowledege of our present world situation.

We realize you made the decision to offer this informative assessment of our dire world problem over your much needed fund raiser on Detroit PBS Channel 56. We applaud your integrity. Thank you, we can always count on you.

Robert Hall
st. clair shores, michigan


The Long Road To War was an outstanding, informative piece of video journalism. The problems facing our nation and world are not black-and-white issues, but rather complex matters with no simple solutions. Getting the facts in depth and without bias is a testament to our fundamental and Constitutional right of free speech in this country, and your program as presented allows us to better understand the forces at work in our world today. Kudos to your producers, your staff, and all those who make programs like this possible. Thank you. We watch. We listen. We learn. And then we decide.

pittsburgh, pa


We applaud your amazing program tonight for its even-handed presentation of the very complicated history surrounding the war on which we are about to embark. Thank you for this deeply moving report. We count on Frontline and PBS for thoughtful information about the World.

David & Peggy Currie
destin, fl


I do not understand why there has been such an erosion of support for the position of disarming Iraq by the international community. Why is France so opposed to this war now, when it is obvious that Saddam has not disarmed. Do they have economic conflicts of interest? Do they think Saddam has changed his spots? Do they think preemption is poor policy even when the consequence of waiting for a smoking gun may actually mean death to thousands in the West? Why the change?

Robin Roberts
hattiesburg, ms


The program was excellent and on par with most of Frontline's outstanding reports. I am a news junkie and I look forward to every report Frontline presents.

What I like most is Frontline's ability to frame the issue in a way that makes the viewer think more deeply about the problem. What I got from "The Long War to War" was President's Bush's vunerability to being manipulated and misled by others in his administration, whose agenda is concealed from both President and the public. Who elected these advisors and why are we allowing them to hijack our country???

Keep up the good work and I'll continue to watch and to think about what is happening to our country.

james dow
hackensack, new jersey


Does proselytizing an ideology by violent means, such as war, legitimize its use? Such was the aim of communism, to spread its ideology by violent "revolution", to eventually engulf the world. Is this now the avowed aim of democracy, under the "Bush (Wolfowitz) Doctrine"?

What if these supposed democracies become anti-Israel, and anti-Western in their stances? Will we remove those regimes too?

James Zaworski
marion, illinois


Thank you so much for a great overview of the history of the world's conflict with Iraq. This report furthur confirms the United States' righteousness, and President Bush's right decision to end this rediculous era. The inspections have gone on way too long, and another 3, 30, or 300 days will only add to the arrogance of Saddam Hussein, and also the suffering of the innocent Iraqi people. My thoughts and prayers are with our men and women fighting for the freedom of people around the world, and with the innocent they are fighting for. May they some day taste the sweetness of the freedom we know every day.

jessica hersom
burlington, ma


After watching Frontline: "The Bush Doctrine", I question you describing a pro-democracy view as a hawk. This definition would include Thomas Jefferson and most of the founding fathers. Let me see if I understand current politics. Liberals are against revolutionary democracy and the conservatives are for revolutionary democracy. Wow! I guess I will have to become a Neo-con!

J Gault
melbourne, fl


I disagree with flawed methodology GW Bush has used to get us to this point, but after seeing many of the things being shown tonight, it is clear that Saddam Hussein is a terrible threat to (at the very least) that area of the world that needs to be dealt with.

phoenix, az

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