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Thank you for a great program. I find it amazing that evangelical christians would presume their religion is THEE religion. If you are not with us you are with the terrorist?
Not a very Christian point of view. No a very tolerant point of view.
By the way Mr. Bush, when congress votes against a bill and you sign an executive order to by-pass (Congress) you are FORCING your neo-religious views on the people, against the will of the people.

The congressional majority that defeated your faith based ideology were actually voted into office by a majority of the constituants. There was no judical decision putting those congressional members into office.

They (Congress) are the true representatives of the people, for the people and by the people. Shame on you, Mr. Bush.

James Doyle
Mount Prospect, IL


Thanks for this informative show, The Jesus Factor. It was enlightening to see that Mr. Bush has gone through the same transformative process as me: earlier life excesses, then finding religion as a way of saving my life.

The only problem is that Mr. Bush's idea of religion is different than mine. His religious belief fails to recognize the legitimacy of mine. History is full of such moral arrogance and its bloody consequences.

As a US citizen I am frigthened to death of Mr. Bush's religious beliefs. Just imagine how a citizen of a country other than the only remaning super power must feel.
Is humanity doomed to repeat the same old mistakes of self-division even in a world of seamlessly interactive natural beauty and innate unity?

michael sears
portland, OR


Excellent program, as usual! I spent some time reading some posts and have concluded that the president said it best, if you have not welcomed jesus into your heart, you would not understand.

I hope that every person in America gets an opportunity to see this program before the election.

Pete Cady
San Antonio, TX


when the President & Laura joined HP Meth I happened to be watching on tv. A friend in that choir told me when I reported having seen this,"That young man has spent lots of time in church. He knows all the words to all the hymns & never looks at the song book. This was @ 1989 or 90. Then as time went by I would pass him in his white Lincoln with the girls going down to SS & church. With him, what you see is what he is.

Great program. You captured him.

janet johnson
dallas, tx


I am amazed at how people are so willing to condemn a man dedicated to principles of a great religion such a Christianity. I read a woman call him a "bigot." That didn't sound very tolerant to me. Doesn't tolerance mean to treat respectfully those that you disagree with.

This show was a good look inside a man's life who should be greatly respected for being faithful to his nation and family. He's not perfect but this revealed to me why he is a consistent thinker on issues, he doesn't waffle on issues because he actually has convictions.

Brian Pestotnik
Statesville, NC


Thank you for airing the documentary "The Jesus Factor". My confidence continues to grow in President Bush. His convictions and principles through his faith in Christ Jesus are ones which we as a county need so desperately during these times.

My prayer is that President Bush would continue to seek God's wisdom in his decisions for our country.

Gary Hall
Lubbock, Texas


First, I would like to thank PBS for this wouderful show. It is great to see both sides of the story.

I grew up going to an Evangelical Friends church and am familiar with the presidents point of view. I think one of the most important things he has done is to challenge legal precendants (i.e. interpertation of the constitution) that have been set in recent times that ban religion. Evangelicals believe that the Bill of Rights was ment to keep the goverment from establishing its own religion (i.e. Catholicism, Anglican, etc.) but not outlaw the use of religion, which is what has been done by the courts. The effect of this has been the establishment of Atheism as our national religion and no other. Some may say that by definition that Atheism is not a religion, but it is because it is a belief, a belief that there is no god or higher power it is a religion.

I hope the president will continue to do the good job he has been doing.

Jeremy Furr
Deerfield, OH


This was frontlines best show. It is amazing to me how many American don't know their past. There were many presidents who were Christians and lived there beliefs not just on Sunday.

Mark Troncale
Corvallis, OR


As an African American traditional Democratic female I find it most refreshing being led by a Christian. This country was founded on the principles of God. We ARE in the last days which is evidenced by all the violence, destruction (to include murders) of children and families and the push for same sex marriages, and disregard for law and order.

I asked God for a word on how to vote this year...He gave me your program last night.

Peggy Brumfield
kansas city, Missouri


Frontline once again has provided the American viewership with valuable information.

It is a scary thought that George W. Bush believes that "God want's me to be President." Is it a freudian slip when GWB first declared the war on terror a "crusade"? After the "Jesus Factor" aired, I was sure that GWB meant what he said.

The very fact that the vast majority of the faith based monies have gone to Christian organizations is cause for enourmous concern. Christians are not the only American's. Evangelicals are not the only Christians.

It certainly appears that George W. Bush is on a personal crusade against all persons not evangelical.

Todd Smith


I think your broadcast "The Jesus Factor" was one of your most effective broadcasts I 've seen. For the "Evangelical" (which I count myself part of), your program confirmed that our President is truly a godly man. The program was very comforting to me and millions of others. It allowed me insight into his conversion, and public life since, that I had not yet seen giving me great confidence that his beliefs are in fact genuine and not politically motivated.

On the other hand, those who have other religious and political convictions also recieved confirmation that their concerns, and in some cases fears, are true also. This proves that a balanced program, such as this one was, striving to get to the bottom line without any agenda accept the truth can speak to all segments of society effectively.

James Evans
Maryville , Tennessee


I watched the progrma, expecting Bush to be shown in the worst light.
At the conclusion, it reaffirmed my feelings toward President Bush.

How refreshing to have a man leads us through these troubling times that has conviction and faith.
I will pray and work harder towards his re-election!

Julio Quintana
Marietta, GA 30062


In response to the many who oppose President Bush I would like to say: He is the first President in MANY years that has been a GOD Fearing man. Let me remind you that is what our country was founded on. As far as the war goes(the main reason the majority of you actually dislike the man)if he would not have reacted to the terrorists attacks from 9/11 you would have criticized him for that.

President Bush may not always have the perfect outlook on the situation but what President in this country's 200+ years has. There was only one Perfect man and that was Jesus Christ.

edward moss


I watched your show on President Bush and his beliefs.

I was on the fence about voting for him, but your show convinced me that his re-election is very important.

Speech is the supreme manifestation of one's personality, and I feel that Mr. Bush has clearly demonstrated that he is the right person to lead our country through this difficult period.

Anthony Napolitano
Simsbury, CT


Jesus informed Pilate that His Kingdom is not of this world. In the same conversation, Jesus made it clear that there is a clear distinction between His Kingdom of Truth and earthly kingdoms of power. I would, therefore, suggest, that the concept of a Christian theocracy is an oxymoron.

Thanks for airing an insightful program.

John Mundinger
Helena, Montana


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posted april 29, 2004

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