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I am Jewish, I've been secular and I cannot understand why and really how people are so easily frightened by this very solid and good man that is now our President. I feel his faith that guides him as an expression of his personal definition and conception of goodness in a world that before him lacked leadership that had the moral clarity and courgage that he exhibits. God Bless the President and God Bless America.

Frances Lewis
New York, New York


Upon viewing this re-broadcast for the first time, I think back to why the Founding Fathers created this great nation. They came to escape religious persecution by their governments at home, as well as to erect and create a society which separates Church and State, among other things.

George W. Bush's religious beliefs are admirable, but by the same token, his use of religious symbolism in the present state of world events, is a sad step back to days when leaders made important governing and foreign decisions based on the Bible and the Gun. All one has to do is look at the 'Red' states that voted for Bush, and one will see the majority of the Bush vote came from these 'Bible and a Gun' states. This does not infer that many of these peace loving religious people are all the same militant 'Bible-toting Cowboys', it just means the majority of your vote put one back into power.

Chris Brunel
NYC, New York


I appreciate so very much your program. I'am only a permanent recident of the USA but one that is just itching to become an american citizen after almost 19 years of being only a recident. I only need to become a citizen now after seeing and feeling the terror of ever beeing govern by total ignorants the likes of John Kerry or even worst some one like G O R E (AL).

I feel very proud also to live in a country where we can actually be governed by some one so real as is GORGE W. BUSH it inspires me to fight and to do everything possible to help, even if only with one vote. Coming from the neighboring country of Mexico I can tell pure polititians when I see one W. is much more than just a politician, his opponents were nothing but. Exellent work FRONTLINE, I might just start watching youy again.

Daniel Rodriguez
Naples, FL


What a wonderful program! Nice to see an honest reporting of the president and his values. Thank you for airing this program. We hope it is aired again soon, for those who may have missed it.

Fred & Sue Johnson
Byram Twsp., NJ


If the president claimed to be a Buddhist the main stream media would not make such a fuss of his personal religion. But, the president says heís an evangelical? There must be something wrong with him.

Lemuel Angeles


Thank you for exposing this adminstrations true agenda. Its frightig to think the furture of the planat rests in the hands of such narrow minded zelots. With their cavalir attiudes and
rush to war they have set events into montion that will take
decades for the U.S. to recover from.

scott latham
galveston, texas


I am a "born again" christian, so of course I enjoyed your unbiased representation of his faith, which appears to be much more genuine than I had imagined. It frightens me to see responses from people who think that christians are out to start a holy war.

Christians are not called by God to defend themselves or their views-only to preach the gospel in a gentle, compassionate, but truthful way. Our battle is a spiritual one within ourselves, not a physical one. Yes, we believe in an apocalypse, but not by our hands. Also, knowing the Creator gives you a greater appreciation for science, because He designed everything. I do, however, believe in separation of church and state because I think government should not be involved in others faith and christians shouldn't need to rely on government's money to further the work of Christ. In the same token, I don't think the government should be paying to kill precious babies.

Burbank, Ca


How would these evangelicals react if the Catholic bishops get their way when they attempt to convince their parishoners not to vote for John Kerry or any other politician soley based on their opinions related to abortion or other issues.
The one constant with organized religion is that sooner or later they can't get enough control. That is why the founding fathers insisted that it be kept out of official acts, if not the bodies of those officials.

Tony Merante
Cold, NY


The thought of a bunch of born-again evangelicals running this country scares me to death. I just don't see a difference between Muslim and Christian Fundamentalists. Each feels that they have the only true path to God, and each feels that they must convince others of the fact by any means necessary.

Those who think that Bush's faith only makes him more sincere and well-meaning, need to remember that these people actually believe in a great Apocalyptic end to the world caused by a battle between "good" and "evil". They also insist on a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation and of the entire gospels.


Sandra Cardet
Palm Springs, California


First, I would like to congratulate Frontline on a program that simply presented a series of interrelated facts without any hysterical interpretations from politically motivated commentators of either persuasion. Excellent - Thank you.

Now to one of my pet peeves - Why is it that many supposedly well-educated people cannot seem to understand that the so-called "Separation of Church and State" is simply a requirement that the State shall not be permitted to set up a state-sponsored church? It is written quite clearly and, from the point of view of a foreigner, needs no complicated interpretation.

Rick Pounder
Corpus Christi, Texas


The thought of a bunch of born-again evangelicals running this country scares me to death. I just don't see a difference between Muslim and Christian Fundamentalists. Each feels that they have the only true path to God, and each feels that they must convice others of the fact by any means necessary.

Those who think that Bush's faith only makes him more sincere and well-meaning, need to remember that these people actually believe in a great Apocalyptic end to the world caused by a battle between "good" and "evil". They also insist on a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation and of the entire gospels.

Wake up, America!! This is the most dangerous administration we have ever had. God help us all!

Sandra Cardet
Palm Springs, California


The President and all of the 'evangelicals' riding on his coattails have no business leading a country with a constitution that clearly draws a line between church and state. This, combined with his blatantly ethnocentric demeanor toward foreign nations, Islam and any other group or sect based outside of Texas, has done irreperable harm to the United States. Contrary to popular belief, the President's role is to protect the Constitution (including the plain-as-day 'Separation of Church and State') and to work for the betterment of the American people. Proselytizing and pushing his values on those of us who don't reside within the borders of the Southern Bible Belt/Texas isn't in his job description!

Ryan Swanson
Ellensburg, Washington


I am happy for Mr. Bush or for anyone else who believes they have found the path of salvation. If they believe their way is the only way to a moral life (and afterlife), the Constitution protects their freedom to express these beliefs.

But when these same beliefs come into direct conflict with Mr. Bush's sworn duty to defend the very same Constitution that protects his religious freedoms, I would suggest he is unqualified for the job. Mr. Bush...KEEP YOUR RELIGION OUT OF MY LIFE!

Frontline, thank you for a very revealing, if frightening expose.

Peter Condit
San Diego, CA


I always wondered who all of these George W. supporters were. Now I know and after watching "The Jesus Factor" I feel even more commited to working for John Kerry's campaign. I believe wholeheartedly in the separation of church and state. Our country was founded on those values. It is the cornerstone of what makes our country a place people with different beliefs can all feel this is their country too.

Patricia Ravitz


Thankyou Frontline for the clearly informative Jesus Factor.
I am forty years old and I am not a registered voter. After viewing the jesus factor, I am for the first time in my life going to VOTE. My vote is for George W Bush.

Mary Pierce
Sumner , Washington


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posted april 29, 2004

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