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Joseph Ellisarrow

photo of joseph ellis He is Ford Foundation Professor of History at Mount Holyoke College and author of American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson, winner of the 1997 National Book Award. He was one of the many Jefferson historians who considered the Jefferson-Hemings relationship unlikely.
Annette Gordon-Reedarrow

photo of annette gordon-reed She is professor of law at New York Law School and author of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy. Her book, published before the DNA test results, gathers a wide array of non-DNA based evidence pointing to a long, enduring relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings.
Lucia Cinder Stantonarrow

photo of lucia cinder stanton She is the Senior Research Historian at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation and probably the leading expert on slave life at Monticello. She is also director of the Getting Word Oral History project, which records the oral histories of the descendants of Monticello's slaves.
Dr. Eugene Fosterarrow

photo of dr. eugene foster He designed and carried out the DNA testing which confirmed Thomas Jefferson fathered at least one of Sally Hemings's children. He is a retired professor of pathology at Tufts University and the University of Virginia.

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