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Best of the Web: Sites on Thomas Jefferson, the Jefferson-Hemings story, American slavery, and mixed race heritage --  with FRONTLINE's highlights.
Monticello-The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundationarrow

Read this organization's official report on Sally Hemings and the DNA study (it supports "the high probability" that Jefferson fathered several children with Hemings). The site also collects photos of Jefferson slaves born at Monticello; offers a virtual tour of rooms at Monticello; a narrative overview of slavery at Monticello; interviews with descendants of Jefferson's slaves; and many other trails and collections of material to explore.
Jefferson's Life & Work: A timelinearrow

The Library of Congress has posted online images of all its Jefferson papers, about 83,000 items. Congress bought Jefferson's collection of 6,487 books after the British burned the first Library of Congress in 1814. The papers are divided into nine groups, including financial statements and drafts of the Declaration of Independence. The images can be downloaded and some are transcribed for easier reading. The Library also has produced an absorbing, detailed timeline of Jefferson's life, illustrated with key documents, Jefferson's correspondance, and photos and prints.
American Slave Narrativesarrow

Between 1936-1938, over 2300 former slaves across the U.S. were interviewed by writers and journalists on behalf of the Works Progress Administration. The result is a legacy of slave stories at this site. You can read some of these slave accounts, listen to audio excerpts from the interviews, and view photographs of these ex-slaves.
Africans in Americaarrow

The PBS "Africans in America" series offers a rich collection of artifacts, images, documents, biographies and writings on American slavery from the 1600s to the Civil War. Its "Resource Bank" collects dozens of primary source documents such as "Venture Smith's Narrative"--a rare record of a first generation African American during the colonial era--or notices of runaway slaves in newspapers. There is also a list of important people and events relevant to America's slavery; numerous photos and depictions of slavery in the earliest years of colonial America--such as a rendering of the "Landing of Negroes at Jamestown from a Dutch Man of War in 1619." There's also contemporary commentators' writings on slavery, including Douglas Egerton on the "Positive Good" theory of slavery.
Jefferson's Online Libraryarrow

Collected at the Jefferson library at the University of Virginia are Jefferson's papers and letters, including over 2,700 quotations/excerpts from his writings. There are also some fascinating related links such as The Jefferson Bible-- Jefferson's attempt to extract an authentic Jesus from the Gospel accounts. Jefferson believed that the ethical system of Jesus was the finest the world had ever seen. Scroll down the homepage for online exhibits relating to Jefferson and a virtual tour of the University of Virginia rotunda he designed.
C-Span's American Presidentsarrow

The Thomas Jefferson section of this site offers eleven video reports--from a tour of Monticello showing its vistas and gardens, to a tv forum with Jefferson biographers on the Jefferson-Hemings story, to a report on what archaelogists are uncovering about slave life at Monticello. You can also read (or listen to) a letter Jefferson wrote a little over a year before his death offering his reflections and aphorisms on how to live one's life.
FRONTLINE's Secret Daughterarrow

A major section of this FRONTLINE site is an archive on "The Blurred Racial Lines of Famous Families" which tracks the genealogical trail of America's mixed racial heritage and the famous descendants from these relationships, including Jackie Onassis and Humphrey Bogart and Heather Locklear. There are also "Bi-Racial American Portraits" and a Readings section where you will find several articles including "Passing for White, Passing for Black."
Thomas Jefferson - A Film by Ken Burnsarrow

This companion site for the PBS program presents a collection of interviews with a disparate group of scholars, writers and thinkers who have studied or been drawn. to Jefferson for various reasons. In addition to these interviews, the site offers a collection of "Jefferson's most important writings" and artifacts illuminating Jefferson's mind and genius, including his design for the University of Virginia and photos of Monticello.

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