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U.S. List of Known Kahanist Groups and Aliases

From Presidential Executive Order 13224: "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, Or Support Terrorism." (Sept. 2001)


  • Kach; Kahane; Kahane Chai; Kahane Lives
  • American Friends Of The United Yeshiva
  • American Friends Of Yeshivat Rav Meir
  • Committee For The Safety Of The Roads
  • Dikuy Bogdim
  • Dov
  • Forefront Of The Idea
  • Friends Of The Jewish Idea Yeshiva
  • Jewish Idea Yeshiva
  • Jewish Legion
  • Judea Police
  • Judean Congress
  • Kahane Tzadak
  • Kfar Tapuah Fund
  • Koach
  • Meir's Youth
  • New Kach Movement (New York chapter)
  • No'ar Meir
  • Repression Of Traitors
  • State Of Judea
  • Sword Of David
  • The Committee Against Racism And Discrimination (CARD)
  • The Hatikva Jewish Identity Center
  • The International Kahane Movement
  • The Jewish Idea Yeshiva
  • The Judean Legion
  • The Judean Voice; The Voice of Judea
  • The Qomemiyut Movement
  • The Rabbi Meir David Kahane Memorial Fund
  • The Way Of The Torah
  • The Yeshiva Of The Jewish Idea
  • Yeshivat Harav Meir

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posted april 5, 2005

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