cage 11

In 1972, Gerry Adams was interned without trial on the notorious prison ship Maidstone. He was arrested again, without charges or trial, in 1973, and held in Britain's Long Kesh prison until 1977. During his time at Long Kesh, he was caught and convicted for trying to escape, and was moved from an area holding internees to "Cage 11," cells reserved for prisoners serving actual sentences.

During this time, Long Kesh became known as the "University of Terrorism" because the Republican inmates used their time there to train new young provisional soldiers and to reflect and plan for the movement's future.

From Cage 11, Adams wrote a series of columns and articles which were smuggled out and published pseudonymously in the Belfast newspaper Republican News. He later compiled and published them in a book, Cage 11: Writings from Prison, from which the following excerpts are taken.

Terrorism -- Adams' attack on the brutality of the British against Irish Republicans

Beware the Ides of March -- The effect on prisoners of the "criminalization" policy

In Defence of Danny Lennon -- Adams' response to the public outcry following civilian deaths by car bomb

The Fire -- Adams' fellow inmate recounts how the prisoners set Long Kesh on fire in protest

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