poems & songs

Poetry and folk music have a long and rich tradition in Ireland. And since the turn of the century, many poems and songs have been inspired by the conflicts in Northern Ireland, and between Britain and Ireland. The selections below are a brief sample of how Irish poets and musicians have translated the violence and conflict of their homeland into art.

Padraig Pearse

"The World Hath Conquered, the Wind Hath Scattered Like Dust"

W.B. Yeats

"Easter 1916" -- inspired by the Easter Rebellion of 1916
"The Stare's Nest by My Window" -- from Meditations in Time of Civil War

There are many traditional and contemporary folk songs written from both a Republican and Unionist persepective. The following songs are a sample of those with a Republican sensibility.

"Foggy Dew"
"Patriot Game"
"The Belfast Brigade"

All songs reproduced courtesy of Folkways Records, from Irish Rebellion Album, © 1975 by Folkways Records and Service Corp., 43 W. 61st St. NYC USA.

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