the invasion of iraq
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Your so-called "documentary" was a disgrace; intellectually lazy, devoid of investigative effort, biased, and filled with opinion carefully disguised as fact. The program carefully followed the same liberal track that we've heard since the war began, including a bizarre obsession with civilian casualties, which are unavoidable in an urban war with a suicidal and cowardly enemy. It's amazing that we won at all after you hear the glowing descriptions of "hero" Fedayeen thugs and our forces' tactical blunders at seemingly every turn.

Fortunately, the truth of Iraq war lies in the positive changes that you and your ilk refuse to report, and in the increasing desperation of the terrorist cells who know that their days are numbered. Until you can present a balanced view of the war and its aftermath, your efforts cannot be taken seriously.

Barry Stroup
Blythewood, South Carolina


Usually I enjoy Frontline reports and their balanced reporting, such as in the recent "Tax Me if You Can" and "Beyond Baghdad". This is decidedly NOT the case concerning "The Invasion of Iraq," which is, to put it kindly, opinion masquerading as news. To put it frankly, it is selective reporting, and at its worst, misrepresentation. Of the many examples I could point to, here is one concerning the Bush aircraft carrier speech, where your "news program" implies Bush stated that America's job in Iraq is over. After doing something called a "Google search" (this may be novel to the folks who do your research), I found the text for the speech. I quote:

We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We are bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous. We are pursuing and finding leaders of the old regime, who will be held to account for their crimes. We have begun the search for hidden chemical and biological weapons, and already know of hundreds of sites that will be investigated. We are helping to rebuild Iraq, where the dictator built palaces for himself, instead of hospitals and schools. And we will stand with the new leaders of Iraq as they establish a government of, by, and for the Iraqi people. The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done. And then we will leave ó and we will leave behind a free Iraq.

Stop making crap. More stories like "Beyond Baghdad", which gave a balanced view of the situation in Iraq, good and bad alike. Not this bilge.

Sudarshan Rajagopal
Chicago, IL


I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary on The Invasion of Iraq. As patriotic as I am and as proud as I am of our military forces that contributed before, during and are still involved in the continued invasion of Iraq, what educated me was the multidifferencial elements that the documentary showed. To see what it was like from both the soldier's element and to compare that to what it could have possibly been through an Iraqi civilian totally blew me away. Great, Great Work !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bryan Holt
New Orleans, LA


Once again PBS makes the United States look like the bad guy! As a retired soldier and a former PBS supporter it makes me sad.

Now, I remember why I stopped contributing to PBS and will again ask my Congressman and Senator to stop subsidizing PBS.

I defend your right to speak, but I don't have to pay for it. Freedom isn't free!

Ray Wilkins
Bellevue , NE


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posted february 26, 2004

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