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Video: Israeli Commando Operation (1:00)

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In this clip from "Battle for the Holy Land," Israeli commandos have set up a late-night ambush targeting Palestinian gunmen believed to be planning an attack on Jewish settlers. Using thermal night-vision cameras, the commandos spot -- and shoot -- a man approaching the settlement with a gun. An Israeli commander discusses the policy behind this tactic: "The moral question -- do you just kill a man with no trial? ... Do you take out a ticking bomb, kill him, or do you try to arrest him?"

An Engineer of Death Displays His Wares (1:00)

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In "Battle for the Holy Land," FRONTLINE gained unprecendented access to a Palestinian weapons maker who gave an interview on the condition that his identity remain anonymous. In this clip, shot in his basement factory, the engineer displays a specialized mine that can melt a tank and a belt of explosives designed to be worn by a suicide bomber.

Ramallah: March 29, 2002 (2:36)

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On Friday morning, March 29, FRONTLINE producer Stuart Tanner and his crew filmed the scene around the Ramallah compound of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as the Israeli army surrounded and occupied it. Here is the exclusive footage. Plus, read the dispatch Tanner filed later in the day.

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