FRONTLINEsupport from earthlinksupport from nprbillboard with arafat on it
photo of a street scene in ramallah
photo of a tank in ramallah
on the ground the cycle of violence can anything end this crisis? the combatants

Exclusive interviews with the Israeli chief of staff and Palestinian militia leaders; a dispatch from Ramallah; and more.

A timeline tracing key events in the escalating conflict since September 2000, when the current crisis began.

Commentary and background readings on the current conflict, plus an overview of the most recent proposals for resuming talks.

Profiles of key Israeli figures and a rundown on the political and militant groups behind the Palestinian uprising.

introductiondiscussionvideo discussion
maptapes & transcriptspress reactioncreditsprivacy policy
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ramallah photograph copyright ©2002 scott nelson/getty news images all rights reserved
web site copyright WGBH educational foundation

Battle for the Holy Land

As Israelis and Palestinians prepare for possible all-out war, FRONTLINE investigates how the combatants pursue the deadly conflict on the ground. How did a war that was once fought with stones evolve into a battle involving suicide bombings and targeted killings? Through exclusive access to Israeli commando units and Palestinian militants, FRONTLINE reveals the tactics and strategies behind the fighting and reports on the latest cycle of violence to unfold in the Holy Land.

published april 2002