Hot Guns Quiz

1. The National Rifle Association has supported a ban on the import of Saturday Night Specials.
true  false

2. In the United States there are more gun dealers than McDonald's restaurants.
true  false

3. Firearms are among the most strictly regulated consumer products in the U.S.
true  false

4. Federal laws successfully prevent felons and minors from obtaining guns.
true  false

5. Illegal gun traffickers prefer high caliber assault weapons.
true  false

6. In the past few years, firearms-related violent crime has skyrocketed.
true  false

7. In Texas, you can drive with an open beer between your knees and a loaded firearm at your side.
true  false

8. U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Second Amendment to the Constitution does not guarantee an individual's right to keep and bear arms.
true  false

9. More people are killed or injured by land mines throughout the world than are killed by firearms in the U.S.
true  false

10. A Lorcin .22 caliber pistol costs more than a Super-Soaker toy water gun.
true  false

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