Exploring Guns & Gun-Related Issues on the WWW


The Center for Investigative Reporting
CIR is the coproducer of FRONTLINE's "Hot Guns" and the only non-profit news organization in the U.S. established specifically to do investigative journalism in the public interest. The Center's website contains more about the "Hot Guns" report, current and past Center stories, and information on how to practice investigative reporting.


Violence Policy Research Project (Garen Wintemute)
Located at the University of California, Davis, the VPRP works to address the causes, nature and prevention of firearm violence. Garen Wintemute is an emergency room physician and leading critic of the inexpensive handgun industry.

The Center on Crime, Communities & Culture
Dedicated to creating a better understanding of and support for effective and humane responses to criminal behavior and victimization, the Center's website contains reports, and information on academic and research fellowships and grants to meet this objective.

Bureau of Justice Statistics
The statistics branch of the Department of Justice provides comprehensive information about every aspect of crime. Most of their data and reports are available online. The BJS administers the annual National Crime Victimization Survey.

Justice Information Center (National Criminal Justice Reference Service)
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is one of the most extensive sources of information on criminal and juvenile justice in the world, providing services to an international community of policymakers and professionals. The site serves as a clearing house of information from various justice organizations.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
The ATF has the unique responsibilty of regulating the firearms, explosives, alcohol, and tobacco industries in America. This site includes information about ATF activities. The firearms section features online newsletters for FFLs, updates on regulatory laws, stats, news releases and ATF publications.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
The FBI's annual "Crime in the U.S." - a comprehensive study of all crimes reported to police departments for the year - is a leading source of information on guns and crime.

National Institute of Justice
The National Institute of Justice, a component of the Office of Justice Programs, is the research and development agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. NIJ was established to prevent and reduce crime and to improve the criminal justice system.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
As the leading U.S. agency in injury control, this division of the CDC keeps statistics on firearm deaths, injuries and the overall economic costs of firearms violence.


Handgun Control, Inc., Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
One of the leading advocates of stringent handgun laws and firearms violence prevention .

Pacific Center for Violence Prevention
This San Francisco-based organization works to prevent youth violence in California. Their site includes an extensive list of links to statistics and publications on guns, crime and the health costs of firearms violence.

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Dedicated to eliminating all handguns, this group has been active in the fight against Saturday Night Specials. Their site provides many stats, publications and information about handgun violence.

Violence Policy Center
Steering away from seeing guns as strictly a crime issue, this group studies firearms from a public health perspective.

Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians for Social Responsibility, a 1985 Nobel Prize-winning organization, has been an outspoken critic of Saturday Night Special manufacturers. Their site offers the medical community fact sheets and abstracts on the health effects of gun violence.


National Rifle Association
The largest gun rights organization in the US. The NRA's web site is an extremely comprehensive resource of the group's activities and policies, including a wealth of statistics and literature supporting a pro-gun rights agenda.

National Shooting Sports Foundation
A trade association for the shooting industry promoting education and participation in shooting sports.

Second Amendment Foundation
An organization dedicated to educating the public about Americans' Second Amendment rights.

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