Selected Bibliography on Handguns

Cook, Philip J. "Regulating Gun Markets" The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Fall 1995, Vol. 86, Number 1. pp. 59-92.
One of the foremost experts on firearms and crime, Cook's study summarizes what's known about illicit gun markets and reports the results of his own year-long analysis of how youths and criminals get guns.

Decker, S. H., & Pennell, S. Arrestees and Guns: Monitoring the Illegal Firearms Market. San Diego Association of Governments, May 1996.
Results of this study show how easily those arrested can obtain guns upon release, their reasons for doing so, and characteristics of the illegal gun market. The study, based on questionnaires administered to over 8,000 people arrested in 11 cities, concludes that "restricting access to firearms is associated with declining rates of violence - specifically homicides."

Gun Dealer Licensing & Illegal Gun Trafficking. Dept. of the Treasury,Office of the Under Secretary of Enforcement, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. January, 1997.
An ATF progress report on the results of several years of stepped up enforcement, aided by the 1994 Crime Bill. It states that the number of federally licensed firearm dealers has dropped 56 percent.

Kleck, Gary. Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1991.
An analysis of existing research on firearms and crime, with additional research on the self-defense advantages of firearms ownership.

Kopel, David B., ed. Guns: Who Should Have Them? Amherst: Prometheus Books, 1995.
A collection of essays which challenge the prevailing points of view on gun control and how it relates to African-Americans, feminists, children and public health doctors. The book concludes that gun control is a red herring and the answer to solving violent crime.

Larson, Erik. "The Story of a Gun: Inside the Out-of-Control of American Firearms." The Atlantic Monthly, January, 1993 pp. 48-78.
Larson's account of the firearms business depicts a largely unregulated industry where a gun passes through legitimate channels into the hands of a killer.

LaPierre, Wayne. Guns, Crime, and Freedom. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1994.
The recently reelected leader of the National Rifle Association makes the case for gun ownership rights and debates the agenda of those who want to toughen gun control laws.

Polsby, Daniel D. "The False Promise of Gun Control," The Atlantic Monthly,March, 1994.
Polsby argues that not only do gun control laws not work, but they actually increase the likelihood that criminals will have easy access to guns while law-abiding citizens are tied up by bureaucratic regulations.

Sherrill, Robert. The Saturday Night Special. New York: Charterhouse, 1973.
A look at the world of Saturday Night Specials and crime just after the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act.

Sugarman, Josh. National Rifle Association: Money, Firepower, & Fear. Washington, DC: National Press Books, 1992.
Chronicles the rise to power of the National Rifle Association, one of the nation's most influential lobbying groups, its legislative battles, internal power struggles, and rising extremism.

Wintemute, G. J. Ring of Fire: The Handgun Makers of Southern California. Sacramento, CA: Violence Prevention Research Program, 1994.
Garen Wintemute, an emergency room physician and leading critic of the inexpensive handgun industry, sketches its history and asserts that these guns are linked to a disproportionate amount of violent crime.

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