
As of Spring 1997, there is a bill pending that would mandate a ban on the production of junk guns anywhere in the United States.

This bill, titled "The American Handgun Standards Act," was introduced by U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer on January 9, 1997, to ensure that domestic gun manufacturers adhere to the same production standards required by the Gun Control Act of 1968, which bans the importation of poorly constructed handguns.

This bill would require domestic gun manufacturers to meet the same manufacturing and safety criteria required for foreign manufacturers, including minimum barrel length and safety devices designed to prevent accidental firings. It would make it unlawful for any person to manufacture, transfer or posses any gun that does not meet the standards imposed on imported handguns under the 1968 act. This bill is pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee. No vote has been scheduled.

A bill similar to this one was introduced in 1972. It passed the Senate by a vote of 68 - 25, but failed to pass in the House of Representatives. Among those supporting the bill were Senators Dole, Thurmond, Byrd, Inouye, Kennedy, Hollings and Hatfield.

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