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Great Show; it is really scary that people find it beneficial to hate so much.

It bothers me that non-radical Muslims don't speak out aggressively, (and I mean really aggressively), about these Muslims Fundamentalist. A lot of the Muslims that I have talked to in the States, always blame our government. I think it is time for the Muslims to grow-up and start looking at other countries' government's, like Saudi Arabia and Iran. I don't see a lot of people migrating to those hell hole countries.

All the religious freaks out there need to get a telescope and see what the universe or God is really made up from: Gravity, Electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces. Lack of Education really leads to stupidity!

Mrs. DiMambro
California, CA


The program begged more questions than it answered: Is there anything that can be done to reconcile radical Muslims with the West? That is, are their grievances "legitimate" or are these grievances really only rationales for violence and hatred that exists independently of anything the West does? Is the phenomenon the same as national socialism in Germany?

Paul Hollombe


As an agnostic, I feel that this presentation showed one side of what is a clash of all three major monotheistic religions that is dragging the rest of us down with it. It is, therefore, a skewed and myopic presentation of what is really confronting the world.

A truly informed work would show how radical Jews and Christians are also following the dictates of their religions in order to implement their beliefs on the physical world. Whereas the Muslims are using carbombs, beheadings, and guerrilla war, the Jews and the Christians use foreign policy, conventional military power, and public relations – traditional status quo modus operandi.

There certainly is a need in the Muslim world for a reformation that calls into question how the Koran is interpreted. There is, however, also a need in the West to see how the Millennium has influenced evangelical Christians and how this, in turn, has encouraged the clash of religions. The goal of rebuilding the Jewish Temple and restoring the biblical boundaries of Israel are at the heart of the evangelical Christian movement and the more war, chaos, and destruction that comes the better, because these individuals see these horrible things as good things because it harkens the second coming of their Jesus.

The evangelical movement in the US is just as tyrannical as any Salafist state would be. They would strip our freedoms to impose their religious morality on us in order to please their lord. Instead of carbombs, however, these people use political action committees, electioneering, and rightwing candidates to usurp the democratic process and impose their will.

Secular people and religious moderates of the world, and especially those in the US, should unite to hold all religious extremists accountable for their actions and flawed policies. Otherwise, we will suffer the consequences of their religious gambits.

Mr. Floyd
Washington, DC


I agree with the first commentor. You did not allow Michael Scheuer to complete his recommendations about what needs to be done because he believes in a change in US-Israeli relations - a relationship at the heart of our problems with the Muslim world. However, there is a Jewish-Israeli right wing control over US government and media - Frontline included - that prevents this central truth from being told to the American people. This situation involving control over our government, and our media led to 9/11.

It may lead to far worse - such as a nuclear attack on the US which, in turn, could contribute to the undoing of all the principals of government we Americans hold dear. But those that hold sway over us care nothing for our traditions as Americans. While they are citizens, their loyalty lies elsewhere.

William Mohammed
San Francisco, CA


A very impressive program. I would like to say to all those believe that the majority of the problems with Islam can be solved with integration or assimilation. They are wrong. Islam isn’t here to be integrated; they are here to colonize, plain and simple. Get use to it, or do something about it.

Rick Gunter
Calgary, Canada


...Though there are millions of Muslims who want peaceful relations with the West, millions who aspire to live in free societies like America, there nevertheless remains a deep and powerful strain of violence within Islam, and isn't it important that Americans and Europeans understand it?

The indignation that was expressed by the Italian official, who after years of dealing with the worst of the Mob and Organized crime, could not fathom the hatred brewing and plortting under the protection of a free society. Like inviting a homeless man to share a meal and he tells you that you can't cook!

I want to think the best but I/m plagued by the lack of public dissent toward the violence of Terrorism. Is the violence perceived by the Arab world "inflicted" by the west so horrific, so completely "evil" that fighting evil with evil is justifiable.

Ron Douglas
Phoenix, AZ


Your recent documentary on Al Qaeda was well researched and thought provoking. However, I was deeply distressed and disturbed by the inclusion of the audio tapes of Mr. Berg's horrific screams during his assassination. To me, this is sensationalism of the worst kind. I believe you could have made your point without exploiting the terror of this man's final moments The viewing public and this man's family deserves more consideration - shame on you.

jill matthews


I ask myself over and over, "Where are the leaders of Islam who are speaking out against this terror?" They are absent. Radical Islam has turned the war on terror into an anti Islamic religious crusade. They have declared war on the rest of the world, self preservation is forcing the rest of the world to strike back.

The earlier post comparing the current Jihadists to Nazi era Germany was right on.

Tom Vrahoretis
Valparaiso, IN


Thanks to Frontline and all the staff who produced this fine documentary.

Western Europe has become an ideal breeding ground for Islamic jihad due to many factors. One problem in particular that is shared by the U.S. is the lack of understanding of the Islam and its ideology of jihad.

We in the west arrogantly assume that Islam operates on western logic and with similar belief structures. In fact, Islam, a cultural, religious and political system, is grounded in dual logic, typified by the Koran that is divided into the Meccan revelations (of a more spiritual nature) and the Medinan revelations (more concerned with law, war and politics), so a Muslim can be peaceful and/or a jihadi terrorist.

There is also a dual ethical system specifically stating that Muslims are to be treated one way and unbelievers are to be treated another defined by the Koran, the Hadiths or the words and actions of Mohammed, and the Sira,the biography of Mohammed. This lack of understanding on the part of the West will be its downfall.

Joan French
Nashville, TN


Watching the interview with “Reda Seyam” from Germany, my jaws dropped, as everything that I have been learning was chillingly reaffirmed by his million-dollar answer. The Western Governments and the media have yet to ask the question: “where are these Jihadists getting their ideas from”?

As the reporter asked Reda Seyam: “how does he feel about Osama bin Laden, telling the Muslims to kill the Jews, the Crusaders, and even other Muslims, for the cause”? Mr. Reda Seyam uttered this priceless answer by saying: “Osama didn’t tell the us (Muslims) to do kill, it is the Qur’aan that tell us to kill.”

There might be a few missing or misplaced words above from the original answer, but you get the idea what he was talking about. It is time we start listening to people like Reda. They know Islam better then the apologists, who come on our TVs and Radio Shows only to tell us “Islam is Peace.” Well, I just have one question for the apologists. If the Qur’aan is telling the Muslims to kill the infidels, can Islam really be considered a “religion of peace”?

This last paragraph is for the “Anglo-American convert” Mr. Naeem Abdul Wali. I see that you are quick to blame the media for the violent behavior of your fellow Muslims. I see that you’re already calling this “fear mongering.” Why do you blame the media for this? Is Islamic terrorism caused by the media or by the Jihadists? Will the Islamic terrorism stop “IF” the cameras are turned off?

What’s even more puzzling is that you, instead of refuting people like Reda Seyam and other Islamists, blame the media.

Ibn Ishaq
Washington, D.C.


The rise of militant Islam is like the rise of National Socialism in Germany prior to WWII. A belief in a world view that seeks world dominance in which the murder of 'others' is not only accepted but sought after as a goal. An unwillingness to assimilate too. And a national sense of victimization and humiliation.

I do not believe that Islam is the cause. I do not believe that the majority of Muslim peoples support radical Islamic militancy. I do believe that Islam provides the mechanism of disseminating this view through its mosques, imams and communities of African and Middle Eastern immigrants. Young, poorly educated men in these communities are like the young men of Germany after WWI who came back to a country militarily and economically destroyed by that war. Young men you joined the NAZI party. A party that preached supremacy of race and culture and inferiority of other races and cultures that eventually led to the death camps. A belief system that took the frustrations and anger of these men and gave them purpose and provided targets for their anger (jews, slavs in particular).

Jim Atherton
Atlanta, Georgia


. I was intrigued by the assertion that a good number of recruits are secular muslim young men living in western societies in order to attend school or to work. Their feelings of isolation and lack of assimilation into these cultures leads them to the local mosque in hopes of making social contacts. Instead, they find false friendship with recruiters eager to exploit the vulnerability of homesick and lonely young men.

This really sucks the air out of the notion that poverty and a lack of democracy are the root causes behind the creation of a seemingly ever growing pool of potential recruits. The one shred of hope I heard was in the transcripts of Rabei recruiting another potential suicide bomber. The young recruit, upon viewing a video of a beheading downloaded from the internet, asks, "Isn't that a sin?"

Jim Meyer
Danville, CA


While this presentation was a colorful one that like the New York Times writer stated, viewed much like a movie, I was disappointed by the lack of care put in to making sure that all sides of the story are covered-- the point I believe of successful and unbiased journalism.

From uninformed, so-called 'experts' getting validated, to incorrect translations of both Arabic and Spanish, and making songs to seem like terrorist training/recruitment videos, it seems to me that the point of this documentary was not to inform your audience of how and why terrorism is increasing, but rather to further perpetuate scare tactics being used by the likes of the Bush administration, Daniel Pipes, and others who equate the peace-loving faith of Islam with the acts of a small few.

I will give you praise in that your piece begins to address why these things are taking place-- that social strife and America's current foreign policies are much more the reasons, than the general hatred for the United States or even democracy, that we have been led to believe.

Being that PBS is commited to educating its viewers, I challenge you to do more research, and produce a second documentary that does not villanize Muslims as you have done and really addresses the roots of the problem, rather than continue to scare your viewers with images of the deceased.

Kimberly Marable


As usual, Frontline presented the evidence of its agenda, rather than a perspective of the issue. We heard and saw selective reports of individuals supporting the premise that Islam is planning the destruction of western civilization because it perceives it as being materialistic and composed of infidels. That areas of poverty are the breeding grounds, along with America's war in Iraq. There is another side, however.

Before Bin Laden, and Arafat, there was no substantial conflict between Islam and western civilization. Could it be that these events are personality driven rather than mere ideology? Iraq as a breeding ground? How many terrorist acts have been committed outside Iraq, by those trained in Iraq? Far more Muslims are being killed and targeted than Americans suggesting the target is Democracy, not materialsm or ideology. And lest we forget the power of the media to work for the defeat of American interests, ask any Iraqi where he'd like to be living in five years, Iraq or Viet Nam?

Elliott Alhadeff
Seattle, Washington


Two question which need to be explored and which I ponder deeply after this show are: What about assimilation, especially for the second and third generation of Islamic immigrants to Western Europe? Why are the Islamic citizens of Western Europe finding their need for community met only through their Islamic religion? I suspect that the secular culture of Europe cannot contribute to a value system that they can identify with.

Democracy is at odds with Islamic values. Perhaps if a more Christian religious tradition pervaded the culture of some of the European countries, the ability of the Islamic people to intermarry and mingle would be enhanced. People identify with common values if they are are out there to be recognized. If the religious sentiment and deeper Biblical values are hidden or even scorned openly in society, then the secular messages attain a sort of congruence with democracy.

Polkowski-Burns Marianne
Walnut Creek, California


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posted jan. 25, 2006

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