the farmer's wife

Discussion & Viewers' Guides

The following collection of material was prepared by the Independent Television Service (ITVS) to assist group discussion leaders

To The Viewer (from Darrel and Juanita Buschkoetter)

Letter From U.S. Senator J. Robert Kerrey

"The Farmer's Wife": A Rural Mental Health Perspective by Peter G. Beeson, Ph.D.

Discussion Leader's Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Summary of "The Farmer's Wife" Series For Study Planning

For Further Reading

More about the origins of the film, background on the farm crisis, listings of related publications and films, and more.

Viewers' Guide

National Resources List

National organizations which deal with issues related to rural life and communities, farming, family farms and family issues.

Ideas and discussion questions for parishes or congregations that wish to start discussion groups to talk about their thoughts about and reactions to "The Farmer's Wife."

Ecumenical Discussion Guide


home&nbsp. behind the film&nbsp. letters&nbsp. essays&nbsp. pictures&nbsp. david sutherland
guides&nbsp. synopsis&nbsp. resource list&nbsp. press&nbsp. tapes & credits

web site copyright WGBH educational foundation