the farmer's wife

David Sutherland

David and Camera David Sutherland's filmmaking career took off the night his family tire store went up in flames. Although Sutherland attended film school at the University of Southern California and had found the time and money to make two documentaries, he was too emotionally and financially tied to the family business to devote himself to a career in film.

But when lightning struck the tire store in 1984--destroying the entire enterprise--Sutherland was finally a free man. As twelve years of business lay in ashes, Sutherland turned full-time to his first love: filmmaking. The Farmer's Wife marks the 12th film he has made. Previous films have gone to air on PBS and garnered dozens of international awards. This unique filmmaker with a unique way of telling stories has earned him widespread praise. Here, you'll find more information about David Sutherland and his previous works. And also explore Sutherland's own web site for more information about him and how to purchase videotapes and DVDs of his programs.



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