faith and doubt at ground zero
photo of the wreckage
discussion: reactions to the film...What did you think of Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero? Share your reactions to the film and its treatment of the central themes of God, evil, and religion.


People ask where God was on Sept. 11, 2001. Why did he not stop the horrible act?

I believe that although God does have ultimate power and does lead, he can only do so, if he is allowed in that person's soul. Sept. 11th had absolutely nothing to do with God. God could not stop a man or group of men that chose to follow a man that does not believe in the God we believe in. The God that asks us to love thy neighbor, to be accepting in other people's beliefs. The God that these people worshipped is not even the same kind of God that other muslims believe in. It is his own made up idea of what he wants God to be, in order to further his ideals and search for power. God can only influence those that allow him into their hearts and souls.

If we abandon our belief in a loving, caring and nurturing God, then we allow Bin Laden the power of stripping us from our faith.

Mary Plesnicar
Wickliffe, Ohio


I was disappointed that more Christians weren't interviewed that had a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. Being a Christian myself, I know that when you have a sincere and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus as well as a deep understanding of the Word of God, then when crisis like 9-11 arise, they are not as devastating because you know that God is and has always been faithful and that this world is just a place that we're passing through. Heaven is our real home. It is never easy to lose loved ones, but if you have put the Lord first in your life, then when hard times come, you will hold on to Him and He will see you through. Jesus himself said in the Word of God, that we would always have tribulation in this world. The Bible is full of terribly hard times that the nations of Israel has gone through, but God has a purpose and a plan for each and every life on earth, if they will only seek Him and salvation through His son. This country has been blessed because it was founded on biblical principals. Unfortunately, the gospel has been watered down and many Christians have allowed the enemy of their souls to draw them away from the author and finisher of their faith. Job in the Old Testament underwent a huge test of his faith, but He remained faithful to the Lord and the Lord restored to him everything and more that had been taken from him.

Wanda Stone
Baxley, Georgia


Shame on PBS!..

...For "selling" America on despair and hopelessness, and presenting it as if it were a "documentary"!

And shame on youPBSfor trying to provide a case for godliness and not giving equal time for those whose Faith in GODhas greatly increased since 911!!

Davd Freeborn
Mountain Rest, SC


Ugh. I cannot watch anymore. Cannot bear to hear yet another male voice. Three females? No clergywomen? And you found so few people whose faith remained strong. So many people whose faith crumbled. This was not a balanced view of Faith and Doubt, you focused much more on the doubt.

Where was God on September 11? She was redeeming the loss, not causing it! It was human evil that caused September 11 and it is divine love that is ever at work to redeem us all.

Blessed be.

sharon dickinson
bedford, ma


I feel that people think god is a simple person and that he has to answer all of our questions or live in the fear that we will be angry at him. I feel that god was was there on sept 11th with tears in his eyes and a broken heart. He has given us freewill and those terriost practiced freewill on the 11th. Just like Japan on dec 7, the nazi in wwII, the african warlords and blood diamonds. God is here and he will comfort us but he will not give us the answer we are looking for because he is not a puppet we control and he does not control us.

The God of Sept 11th is the same one of Noahs flood, and it's the same one who created a hell.

carolyn cintron


I have had doubts about the existence of an all-powerful, all-seeing deity who delves out judgement of who is good and who is evil...all, of course, filtered through the will of mankind. I had before 9-11 questioned doctrines of of my own and other world religions and now I am believe with all my heart that what is important is that we recognize that we are here for one purpose and that is to care for each help each other. In retrospect, I saw what we are supposed to be in the aftermath. Now I pray that we learn to care for each other the way those fire, police, and rescue workers and so many others did at ground zero. Everyday we should fight to the limits of our strength that the lives of others are made better, that no child goes hungry, for instance. That's the work that needs to be done and the lesson I learned from 9-11. To me religion and faith is less important than living to serve others. If there is GOD he exists in us and the real question is what do we do with our time together on this planet? We can choose to thrive or die but we will achieve one or the other collectively. WE ARE ALL WE HAVE.

Cheryl Lee


God's Will was not what happened to the Twin Towers on September 11th. Rather God's Will was the way people helped each other, conforted each other, and sacrificed themselves for each other on Sept. 11th regardless of whether the other person was either a friend, a lover, or complete stanger. And continue to do so

Paul H.
Baton Rouge, LA


I don’t want to pretend that I know what the families or friends of the victims felt on 9-11 but I do want to comment on the Where was God? Question. I want to let everyone know that God was there the whole time that day, the days before and the days after. You know God has given us choices: we can choose the serve him or we can serve the world. God has given us a book of instructions on how to stay in his protection. Many people that were there was covered in God’s protection. This was not God’s plan but when we are kicking God out of our schools, our businesses, our homes then he has no choice but to go. God is as close to us as the whisper of his name. Call in him to help you get thru this time. I pray that this post helps someone. God Bless you all.


April Ritzman


I liked and related to the Rabbi's statements, even though I am a Christian. I am comfortable believing that God isn't involved in "the little things." He's not "pushing cars into each other". However, I firmly believe that all things will eventually work to His will. AND that he will respond to prayers, including those for comfort and peace.

Jim Sugar
Grand Island, NY


It seems to me, as I watch, that all of the people questioning "God's existence" are of a one-sided view and it strikes me that they never had a true relationship with God or Jesus to begin with. America has inflicted much destruction on the rest of the world without a second thought. God has allowed that same evil intent to be felt in our pocket to make us more sensitive to evil and what affects we have on whoever we call our enemy. Welcome America to the abyss and hopelessness that many third world countries have been feeling for their entire existence! "Today our nation saw evil" George Bush said but we as Americans have this "evil" within us as well. The bible says, "all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God." As one of your narrators said, Americans lost touch with the face of evil and God has actually helped us to see it both from without and within. Our exemption from an attack on American soil has isolated us and caused us to turn away from God. God hasn't left us, we left Him!

Remember, God don't need us, we need Him!! Our trials and tribulations should eventually, I would hope, cause a greater need within us, to be closer to God and less controlled by the things of this world.

Ed Ovett


The film is very thought-provoking. What was so prevalent in the many messages was the "blaming" of God. We can be so quick to embrace God but then NOT want to embrace the obvious opposite of God, Satan. Blame evil not good.

Lisa Imlay
macon, ga


I would like to know, since suicide is a mortal sin in the catholic religion, does this mean that everyone who jumped from the twin towers, are automatically doomed to eternal hell? I have a very hard time believing any of this, and I went through 13 years of Catholic School. I cant believe there is a God any more. I lost family in that attack. My daughter worked there until December of the previous year. How can a just God allow this to happen to so many innocent people.

Mary Ann Gorman


I enjoyed the film, however the thing I have trouble with is that when I, as a non religeous person, hear people ask the question of why god didn't intervene, I have to want to remind those people that god also did not stop pearl harbor, world war one, world war two, or any war, or any of the major terrorist acts that have happened in Europe. I cant believe that god had a reason for allowing all of those people to die. The events of 9-11 only strengthen my disbelief in god.

Nick Murel


Reading the thoughtful responses of traditionally religious people reaffirmed my appreciation of faithful people who care more about love than the "rules of the road" of their specific religions. I am very grateful for the balance of the film and the complete responses of the atheists. It was worthwhile visiting the site to read all the words instead of relying on the regurgitation by other media. Thank you.

Bonnie Hughes
Rome, GA

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