Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero...What did America see on Sept. 11? And how did it affect our notions of God, of evil, and of the potential for darkness within religion itself?
introductionpoll - spiritual effects?  How does your experience compare  with that of other viewers? Share  your stories.
questions of faith and doubt

Where was God on Sept. 11? What is the nature of evil? Is religion itself to blame, or is it our last refuge? What faith can be salvaged from Ground Zero?

our religions, our neighbors, our selves (web exclusive)

Harvard's Diana Eck, professor of comparative religion and founder of The Pluralism Project, discusses the challenge of interfaith dialogue after Sept. 11.


Priests, rabbis, an Islamic scholar, a Middle East expert, an English professor, a British novelist, a psychoanalyst, and a photographer who documented Ground Zero.

join the discussion

Faith and Doubt, 10 Years Later
Read viewers' 2011 conversation with Marian Fontana and Rabbi Brad Hirschfield

Producer's NoteVideo ExcerptsReadings & Links
producers chattapes & transcriptspress reactioncreditsprivacy policy

introduction + questions of faith and doubt + our religions, our neighbors, our selves + interviews
discussion + producer's notes + poll: spiritual aftershocks? + video
producer's chat + readings & links + tapes & transcripts + press reaction + credits + privacy policy + FRONTLINE + pbsi + wgbh

photo © ariel ruiz i altaba/corbis
web site copyright WGBH educational foundation

Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero

Ground Zero in Manhattan has become a site of pilgrimage. Thousands of people visit the site, looking for consolation as they question the events of September 11. There is a profound quiet to their meditations. Starting here, FRONTLINE sets out on a quest to find out how peoples' beliefs-and unbelief-has been challenged, and how they are coping with difficult questions of good and evil, the face of God, and the potential for darkness within religion itself. From survivors who were pulled from the wreckage of the Twin Towers to the widow of a New York City firefighter; from priests and rabbis to security guards and opera divas; from lapsed Catholics and Jews to Buddhists, Muslims, and atheists.... FRONTLINE explores and illuminates the myriad of spiritual questions that have come out of the terror, pain, and destruction at Ground Zero.

published sept. 3, 2002