Thursday, April 30, 1998
To the family, friends, and aquaintances of Mr. Frank Collier of St. Jo,
Texas, and Mr. Roy Vance Hazelwood of Whitesboro, Texas: To the citizens of St.
Jo, and of Whitesboro; and to whom it may concern:
If anyone has any doubts, the answer is "Yes." I am guilty of both my crimes.
There is no one to blame but myself. No one put me here, but me. I have made
horrible choices in my life, and done horrible things. I am sorry. I sincerely
apologize to each and every one of you. I wish I could go back in time and undo
all the damage that I have done. Regrettably, that is impossible. My Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ has forgiven me, although I understand you cannot. And so,
like the thief on the cross at Calvary, I go willingly to meet my maker. I will
be executed on June 11. It is my hope and my prayer that this gives you some
measure of peace.
With sincerity and respect,
Clifford Boggess