frontline online: the triumph of evil

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It is simply incredible how the lessons of our past are seemingly never learned: proving that the only thing we have to fear, is man's unrelenting manifest hypocrisy. It is the chronic, and preeminent nemesis to civilization. It is the chronic, and preeminent cause of man's inhumanity to man. It is the shame of us all.

kpatrick brady
east rochester, new york


Perjury? No. Obstruction of Justice? No. Genocide? Yes. For this we ought to throw them all out of office. The lesson is that we are capable of colluding in such butchery again unless we take steps to act compassionately in the future. We ought to fund the equivalent of an independent counsel to investigate and recommend policies which require appropriate and timely intervention in the event of the next occurence of genocide. We ought to hold ourselves accountable for our failures in the past and for our responsibilities in the future. The logical consequences of inaction are fearful.

john Fitz
milwaukee, wi


It has become apparent to me over the past few years that the UN one of the most ineffectual organizations on the face of the earth. I should qualify that by saying that there are times that they do good work but those occasions are often overshadowed by the fact that it is almost always either given too late or not done on a scale to be effective. In Rwanda, the UN could have acted on a large scale in a matter of days IF THEY WANTED TO. Instead they hid the facts and claimed ignorance. The only reason why they shouldn't be disbanded in shame is that they are the only organization in the world that can react to a crisis should the need arise. Political will shouldn't even enter into it as these world discussions and decisions should be based on the Will of Conscience. Unfortunately the resources of the World's political masters are needed to execute any UN decision. This means that the UN will probably never change unless THEY WANT TO.

John Crawford
toronto, ontario


What punishment can the UN receive? And from who? This broadcast has now convinced me that the UN is a complete failure. Dismantle the UN and rebuild in its place some functioning body. Something new and better can be done.

Kevin Hoffman
gaithersburg, md


It seems almost incomprehensible that something like this was allowed to happen after all the lessons we supposedly learned during the Holocaust. The ultimate insult to the people of Rwanda came from our people in the State Department who treated this with typical political correctness instead of action, and the President who seem to have used it as a photo opportunity.

pearl river, ny


It appears that most of the politcal leaders of the world, including Clinton, the English, Russians, Belgians and everyone else, are nothing more than a collection of various forms of ostriches. Where was the self important press, including the Frontline reporters,when all this was going on. You should have been pounding this tragedy down the publics throat. If the not so loyal and capable opposition can't get the government out of it's potted plant position maybe the public could have.

Bryan Krecsy
severna park, md


The failure of our administration to acknowledge in a timely manner, what was taking place and the double speak used by the State Department spokesperson reminds me of the tactics being used by counsel for the President during the impeachment trial. Same Crap- different day.

Guy LaPorte
escanaba, mi


The message of the Rwanda Genocide is that sadly humanity has not learned anything from the Holocaust. I wonder if rwanda had vast supplies of oil would the west reacted differently.

Shirley Grigsby
indpls., in

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