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Press Reaction

Los Angeles TimesMark Sachs

"A cookie-cutter formula for 'McSchools' that was doomed from the start? Or a bold plan for reform dashed by a lethargic, change-fearing system? Deciding which makes for an intriguing hour of viewing."

Philadelphia InquirerDale Mezzacappa

"Intriguing …. The grandiose, infuriating, and ever-fascinating [Chris] Whittle is the focus of this piece. … The portrait manages to be sympathetic and hard-hitting at the same time."

San Jose Mercury NewsCharlie McCollum

"FRONTLINE offers up another strong documentary this week in 'Public Schools, Inc.,' which delves into the rise and startling fall of Edison Schools… . It's a fascinating portrait of both a controversial approach to education and entrepreneur Chris Whittle, who founded the company. No matter which side you're on in the debate over the privatization of public schools, this is must viewing."

Entertainment WeeklyJoshua Rich

"Like any good corporate profile, FRONTLINE's exhaustive report on the Edison Schools company and its charismatic founder, Chris Whittle, incorporates a diverse set of passionate views to examine a pertinent question: Can a private firm revolutionize America's educational system by taking control of struggling public schools? The answer turns out to be maybe—which only serves to bog down an important subject in a rut of equivocation and blandness. Just like algebra. B-."

The Denver PostJoanne Ostrow

"PBS offers a crash course in 'The Edison Project,' and Whittle himself…. This is heavy stuff for TV's ultra-lite season, when commercial television is marked by 'reality' series and series that never found an audience. But non-commercial TV, particularly FRONTLINE, is a good place to take stock of the utterly commercial Whittle and his Edison Project."


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published july 3, 2003

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