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Fernando Arenas

For many years, he was a personal pilot for Carlos Lehder, a kingpin in Colombia's Medellin drug cartel.
George Jung

He started out as a youthful marijuana smuggler but got active in trafficking cocaine into the U.S. during the mid-1970s, working with Carlos Lehder and his Colombia Medellin cartel.

He is a black peso broker, buying and selling currency between Colombia and Florida.
Juan David Ochoa

Along with his brothers, he ran the most powerful Medellin drug trafficking organization.
Jorge Ochoa

He and his brothers surrendered voluntarily to the Colombian government in 1990-1991 and served short prison sentences.

He dealt drugs at the local level in New York City, buying large quantities of cocaine, cooking it into crack and selling it on the streets.

He grew up in the San Diego /Tijuana border area and in the 1990s got into money laundering and drug trafficking working for a while with Tijuana's notorious Arellano Felix Organization.
Carlos Toro

He became involved in the Medellin cartel in the early 1980s when Carlos Lehder invited him into the business as the cartel's public relations representative, managing political pay-offs, bribes and money laundering.

DRUG WARRIORS -- DEA, FBI, Customs & U.S/Mexico Police
Bill Alden

He is a retired DEA special agent.
Guillermo Gonzelez Calderoni

He was a commander in the Mexican Federal Police and the top narcotics officer during the Carlos Salinas administration.
Andrew Chambers

He was a star undercover informant for the DEA netting 445 dealer arrests and seizing 1.5 tons of cocaine and $6 million in assets.
Dick Gregorie

He is Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of Florida.
Edward Heath

For over ten years he was DEA's agent in charge in Mexico. His primary target was Felix Gallardo, a Mexican trafficker known as Numero Uno.
John E. Hensley

A retired U.S. Customs Service special agent, he worked the U.S.-Mexican border on and off for 30 years.
Chuck LaBella

He is former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California.
Heidi Landgraff and Vince de la Montaigne

Landgraff is a group supervisor at the DEA in San Diego and is investigating the Arellano Felix cartel. De La Montaigne, a retired FBI special agent, supervised the Arellano Felix Cartel Task Force.
Bobby Nieves

He was a Special Agent with the DEA,1973- 1995 and served as head of international operations.
Greg Passic

He is former DEA chief of financial investigations specializing in money laundering crimes.
Robert Stutman

A retired special agent for the DEA, he was Special Agent in Charge for the New York City office.
Mike Wald

He is a former FBI agent and a commander at IMPACT, a South Florida police agency which tracks black peso and other money laundering crimes.

DRUG WARRIORS - Government Officials
Myles Ambrose

Appointed by President Nixon in 1972 to coordinate federal/ local forces to fight drugs and crime on the streets. Ambrose came up with the idea of a new superagency--the Drug Enforcement Administration which was created in 1973.
Peter Bourne

He was President Jimmy Carter's controversial drug czar, 1976-1978. Like many others in U.S. government during the 1970s, he believed cocaine was a relatively harmless drug.
Mathea Falco

She was Assistant Secretary of State for Int't Narcotics Matters during the Carter Administration.
Michael S. Gelacak

He served on the U.S. Sentencing Commission from 1990-1998 when it recommended that penalties for crack and powder cocaine be equalized because of the unfair disparity.
Egil Bud Krogh, Jr.

While White House Deputy for Domestic Affairs for Richard Nixon, he was given the task of lowering crime rates in Washington, D.C. This led him to support a program which treated heroin addicts with methadone.
Jack Lawn

He was administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration from 1985 to 1989.
General Barry McCaffrey

He is the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, also known as the Drug Czar.
Jonathan Winer

He was U.S. Deputy Ass't Sec'y of State for International Narcotics Matters 1994-1999. He worked on the CIA Inspector-General report which investigated the Contras and cocaine trafficking.

Dr. Robert Dupont

He worked with heroin addicts in methadone treatment and continued this work as head of the Nixon Administration's Narcotics Treatment Administration, 1970-73.
Dr. Jerome Jaffe

He is a psychiatrist who became head of President Nixon's drug programs and set up a network of methadone treatment centers for heroin addicts.
Dr. Herbert Kleber

He has been a pioneer in the research and treatment of narcotic and cocaine abuse for over 30 years.
Dr. Alan I. Leshner

He is Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Carlos Hank Rhon

He is a Mexican billionaire businessman who owns majority shares in the Laredo National Bank in Laredo, Texas.The Hank family was publicly linked to drug trafficking after a U.S. government raw intelligence report about the family was leaked to the press.
Oliver North

While a senior member of the National Security Council under President Ronald Reagan, he supervised the covert U.S. program to help fund the Contras in Nicaragua.
Gary Jacobs

He is the CEO and President of Laredo National Bank in Laredo, Texas. He has been the point man in the counterattack launched by Laredo National Bank, its lawyers and principal shareholder Carlos Hank Rhon after a blizzard of stories linking them to drug trafficking.

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