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The Buyers


Who are America's Drug Users?

A rundown on the numbers of illegal drugs users, how many are recreational and hard core, and how much they spend.
A Social History of America's Most Popular Illegal Drugs

From amphetamine to marijuana from opium to crack, a look at when these drugs first appeared, how they caught on, the government's and society's reaction, and the trends in usage over the decades.
A Narcotics Quiz

Where did LSD come from? Who introduced heroin in tablet form into the U.S. market? Some interesting questions and surprising answers.
What It's Like

The testimony of six drug users whose lives, or the lives of family members, have been damaged by drug abuse.
A Pharmacology of  Ten Popular Illegal Drugs

Here's a rundown on each drug listing from what they're derived; what they do in the body and in the brain; how that works; and the downside, the dangers of using them: Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, LSD, Marijuana, MDMA, Nitrous Oxide, PCP and Ketamine, Opium, 'Shrooms

What is Addiction, and How Can We Treat It?

Is drug addiction a biological disease, or a symptom of moral weakness? Experts disagree. This overview examines the debate, explores new biological research, and discusses the varieties of approaches to treating addiction.
Does Treatment Work?

In 1994 the RAND corporation released a report that concluded treating cocaine addicts was seven times more cost effective than domestic law enforcement, and ten times more effective than interdiction efforts. Here's an overview of that study, as well as summaries and links to other current research evaluating the effectiveness of various treatment programs for drug abuse.
Interview with Dr. Alan I. Leshner

Leshner is Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. He speaks about lessons learned from the crack epidemic, what it takes to make treatment effective, why crack cocaine "is not over," what defines a hard core addict, and the drug of the 1990s-- methamphetamine.
Interview with Dr. Herbert Kleber

He has been a pioneer in the research and treatment of narcotic and cocaine abuse for over 30 years. He discusses the reasons for this lack of political support in the U.S. for treatment and expalins why treatment still is not as effective as it could be -what more needs to be learned. He also discusses drug use trends in the 1990s and whether drugs have a "cycle."
Interview with Dr. Jerome Jaffe

He is a psychiatrist who promoted methadone treatment for heroin addicts, and in 1971 became chief of President Richard Nixon's drug programs, establishing a network of methadone treatment facilities. He explains what was unique about the government's approach to the drug problem during that period.
Interview with Dr. Robert Dupont

He worked with heroin addicts in methadone treatment during the early 1970' s and continued this work as head of the Nixon Administration's Narcotics Treatment Administration, 1970-73. He discusses the "great drug epidemic" which started in the mid-1960s and peaked in 1979, and how it was addressed. And he evaluates the country's current situation with drug abuse and anti-drug policy.

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