Cyber War!

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As ususal you include the goliath Microsoft who places monopoly first and profit second. What happen to the free and open souce people who put security first from day one. Theo de Raadt's sole purpose with OpenBsd is to craft the ultimate secure operating system. He even had government support. Linux is a close second. Microsoft tries to hide or down play it security problems while the linux/bsd folks fix things with in hours.

Kevin Mark
brooklyn, new york


Your program blurred the lines between two different subjects that both have the same solution: tighten network security.

The first subject might be labeled "international espionage" if the material wasn't already in the public domain! The other, and quite different subject, is unauthorized access that might lead to a physical system failure due to changing a setting on a SCADA system.

My experience as a salesman of SCADA systems for IBM in the 1980's, plus my current experience as a director of e-commerce tells me that organizations with SCADA systems connected to the Intenet may indeed be vulnerable, but a penetration would't cause an event on the scale of the 9/11 attack. Even in the hands of an operator trained in the underlying physical system, it might be impossible to cause as explosion; there are typically non-computer overrides that prevent catastrophic failures.

When the threat to people and equipment gets high enough, infrastructor providors will be able to justify improved network security, or the additional cost unplugging the control systems and manning the systems locally.

Dale Seng
Charlotte, NC



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posted apr. 24, 2003

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