Secret History of the Credit Card
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What are your views on  the techniques used by the credit card industry to earn record profits and get American consumers to take on more debt?
handing over a card [photo]fico score screen [photo]interest rates [photo]computer screen [photo]


What a great piece! After the show, I logged on to one of my credit card accounts online and found out that my previously 7.99% FIXED rate had changed to 10.49%. I thought FIXED meant FIXED for life, but I guess I was wrong to assume that. I immediately moved money from my savings account so I could pay the balance off.

What can average citizens do to force credit card companies to stop these abusive practices? I do believe that if enough people speak up in an organized way, they will have to do something about it.

C. Hann
Agoura Hills, CA


Just called Citibank and canceled my AT&T Cash Rewards Card.

I was a charter member of the AT&T Universal Card. I have had the card since AT&T introduced it. I let the Citibank representative know that I am terminating my relationship with Citibank because of your program.

Brian Buck;ey
Kapolei, HI


Regarding the "schemes" they are legal.

It's really just a simple problem(math)it should be in school books.It wouldn't be a long chapter in an 8th grade math book.

Thomas Haley
Hon, Hi


Thanks to Lowell Bergman, FRONTLINE's outstanding correspondent for his fair and revealing interviews on this subject of credit card company abuse. It should be mandatory viewing in high school and college.

Also at a time when much of the country has lost faith in the "experts" and governmental institutions, we can be grateful for the dedication and tireless work of educators, civil servants and reformers like Professor Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School, Mr. Pat Wallace of the San Francisco Better Business Bureau, June Cravett of the San Fracisco District Attorney's Office, Senator Chris Dodd and New York's extraordinary Attorney General, Elliott Spitzer.

To the OCC and the Banking/credit card industry, their practices merit contempt and enforced regulation.

Helen Brown
San Rafael, CA


I believe your program tonight should be shown every night, on every channel, for every high school student especially, and everyone should be made to see it for the next thirty days. What a difference in the USA would that make.



This is in response to Ann Moriarity, Gerald, Missouri.

The credit card companies actually don't even know you exist if you've never paid a cent of interest. But the fact that you've never been late is actually more appealing to CC companies. Do you know how much money is put into training, hiring, and paying collectors for accounts? Do you know how many late fees, over the credit limit fees, and finance charges are waived daily? Do you realize it costs credit card companies money every time you call them because they make their phone calls toll free, a convenience to you.

Credit cards are a great way to build up your credit. It's nobody's fault but your own, if you cannot handle debt correctly. I'm glad to hear that you pay your account off every month. Credit card companies are always saying "Send payments in 7-10 days early." But it's only people like you who listen.

And here's a little FYI: only 5-7% of cardholders ever become past due more than 5 days, twice, on their credit card accounts.

Marla Singer
Kansas City, MO


I work for Citibank. It's a job. Sometimes I don't particularly enjoy the job. But honestly, it's the best corporation I have ever worked for.

I work for the Credit Card Collections department. It upsets me everyday to see people tell me that their late payments are our fault; their over the credit limit is our finance charges; we need to help them get out of debt because we gave them the card, we let them use it.

When will our society grow up and take responsiblity?

Senator Chris Dodd: I am almost 19 years old. I handle the bills at my apartment. Between my boyfriend and I, we have three credit cards. I have never been late on a single one - ever. And guess what?!?! Our finance charges have stayed the same!

Why should someone under the age of 21 need to take a test? Did you pass the eighth grade? Can you add? Subtract? Can you pay bills? Do you have income? Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you have any less responsibility for your credit than a 48-year-old.

If everyone is so against credit card companies then why are they the largest, most profitable businesses?

I am not a bitter person. At times, when people can understand and cooperate, I love my job. I help people get out of debt (and stress) everyday. We offer so many helpful arrangements, why don't you make a television special about that?

Amanda Lane
Kansas City, MO


Thank you for breaking this important story. I hope that your exposure of credit card company's practices makes more headlines. I was a victim of Providian's fraudulent charges and am glad to see this problem brought to light.

R. Fisher


I find very disturbing that our government allow the credit card industry to utilize such "loan sharking" tactics by credit issuers. This is economic "Fascism". When are we as Americans going to retire from "couch-potato" activism and stop our politicians from "brokering" with business interests to disinfranchize the American citizen?

If you think the credit card industry has a "do nothing" approach such as the OCC, God forbid if you investigate most local district attorney's consumer fraud departments, or your U.S. Federal Trade Commission consumer action taken, you'll agree that the government's policies enhance such practices for businesses to "rip-off" consumers!

Anthony Cummings
Oakland, California


One thing that infuriates me, is that, when things go wrong, the credit card companies never let me complain to any level of people above the phone clerks, or anyone with any power to set something right. They hide behind their phone reps. I have closed 2-3 accounts after getting demeaning phone service from their reps.

I had one VISA company which told me how much of a cash advance I could take, when I was out of work recently; but the amount guaranteed at the month's end I was hit with an overlimit fee.

Using payment history on OTHER accounts to set rates on a credit account is obviously immoral and unlawful, it should be prohibited. Raising interest rates on money you have previously borrowed is obviously unlawful. These guys are getting away with murder- where is Congress ???

Congress should cap interest rates, late fees, and regulate the hell out of these crooks right away.

Mike Johnson
San Ramon, CA


I have no sympathy for the credit card companies. They are the loan sharks of the present day. During the gangster era, people who made loans at, say, 10% or more to desperate borrowers were guilty of the crime of usury. They were indeed called "loan sharks," and when caught they went to prison.

It's a ridiculous, predatory business model, and the idea that bankruptcy laws need to be "reformed" to prevent those who are stung by these practices is crazy. Helping loan sharks close a so-called "loophole" that gives credit victims a fresh start is not my idea of good law.

John Galt
Fort Wayne, IN


I have just watched the Frontline documentary, it is quite apparent that credit card companies are taking advantage of something that is in us all to varying degrees - GREED, and credit card debt is a reflection of the EXPEDIENT society in which we live.

It is informative exposes like this that keep us as consumers informed, and often confirm our suspicions

For the record.......we are deadbeats.

Andrew Mellish
Richmond, BC, Canada


Others' comments on this page seem to cite some peculiarity in OCC's apathy. This is nothing new!

They, like pratically every other federal government regulator no longer have any teeth and are under the thumbs of very big, powerful corporations that care about nothing except for profit which in turn pleases their stockholders. (Nothing new here, e.g. Vioxx, FDA))

In our individualistic capitalist society, people need to take more responsibility for their actions. I, unlike those interviewed on your show, read every word in my credit card agreements, and if I need clarification, I call and ask them. We as consumers have the ultimate power in this as we can simply tell them NO! And while the grocery store, the gas station, and the mall all still take cash, who needs credit cards anyway?

Keegan Pyle
Orinda, CA


I, like most, got their first credit card in College. I have managed them responsible for over 10 years now and have an excellent credit score. I use the credit to my advantage, but I must admit I use them to enhance my lifestyle. And therefore I am in deep debt.

I have over 14 credit cards, half with limits more than $10,000. Some have very good rates, I have one that is 5% all the time, some 6-7-8%. Of course like you mentioned, the credit card companys can change that rate to any they want in 15 days, but you do have recourse to pay your old debt you have at the original rate if you write them and complain! I refuse to pay double digit rates!

I have played the credit card game for about 7 years now, transfering from card to card debt at 0%. I do pay some cards off every month and take advantage of a free 20-25 day loan, others i revolve, but only generally at 0%, or no more than 5%.

Issaquah, WA


Excellent story tonight. As a young person who has just cleared himself of credit woes, I was especially glad to hear the hard facts which I unfortunantly found out from experience.

Credit card companies feast on consumers who don't pay special care to their financial arrangements. If consumers knew what the intentions of credit card companies were, they definitely would act differently! It is time for people to become more aware. Great timing with the holidays ahead. Thankyou.

Brandon Bale
Seattle, WA


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posted nov. 23, 2004

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