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Join the Discussion What is your reaction to this  story of the soldiers of Dog Company?


VERY proud of the manner our men conducted themselves - and very impressed with their open display of love and comradery for each other - bonds obviously made for life (or death).

This program showed these feelings without spin - surely any show is edited with an end view in mind - but you cannot hide the way these men looked at each other and the way they carried themselves - and the way they displayed their pride in themselves and each other. Makes all of us proud.

(This from a strong opponent of the way the President has handled entry into the war and the continuing problem it represents with our relations in the world. But I am VERY proud of our young people in the military!)

bob alexander
kingston springs, tn


Outstanding program.

You reached into a world that most people who have not served in the military never see. You gave a view into the bravery and compasion of the United States Armed forces. Although you did try to spin a liberal view on the story, the truth of the brotherhood and the honorable core of these men shown through. While war is a never a good option, what they are doing is in the best interest of the world. Thank God for men like this.

Tom O'Dwyer
Malvern, Pa


An interesting look at combat patrols in Iraq. One thing I noticed it was not a good view of how to win friends and influence people. That part is probably a lost cause. The number of suicide bombers to me is just staggering. How does the insurgency find that many people willing to give their life for their cause?

Troy Martin


Thank you so much for finally giving us a glimpse at the reality of the scenarios our soldiers are facing. We are so proud of each soldier and thank you each for doing a most difficult but necessary job. It was difficult to watch at moments, but we need to know what is really going on. WE have several family members out there. God Bless our soldiers!

Maria M. Avendaņo
Pharr, Tx


I hope that George Bush watches this program over and over. This is a product of your decisions. These brave young men are conducting our foreign policy and will forever be scarred with the memories of war. Why doesn't George Bush send his kids, along with the Cheney's kids, the Rumsfeld kids and all the other kids who have not sacrificed one iota since we were attacked on 9/11. People talk that this generation is the next great generation but I am an old man and I only see the greatest parts of this generation being the men and women of all the Dog Company's in the military service. Thank you for all you do.

Bill Savage
fort collins, colorado


How important a show was this?!! With all of the questions and doubts in this country as to why we are there, and the lack of honest coverage by the world's media, it was nice to see a raw- but honest- look at the men who are really there. Is it a pretty situation? Absolutely not- but you can't watch the real emotion of this show and look at things in the same way. Put your political affliations aside and watch the future leaders of America help secure the future freedom of Iraq.

Ken Gertson
Sugar Hill, Georgia


My brother is 10 miles outside of Falluja, he is also doing what the soldiers in Dog company are doing. So watching this episode of Frontline hit real close to home for me, it was a very good view for all of america on how close the soldiers are to each other. They aren't just fellow soldiers assigned to a company, they are brothers.

Bryan Shank
Searcy, Arkansas


the film just made me appreciate our soldiers even more.

Rebeca Echevarria


Just saw this and I sobbed all the way through it. Cant imagine how I would have reacted if my son were still there. He came home on Sunday after 53 weeks in Iraq.

Marilyn Myers
Hanover, MD

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posted feb. 22, 2005

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