the clinton years

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Madeline Albright Madeleine Albright

Paul Begala

Samuel Berger

James Carville

Gregory Craig

Rahm Emanuel

David Gergen

Tony Lake

Joe Lockhart

Michael McCurry

Dick Morris

Dee Dee Myers

Leon Panetta

John Podesta

Robert Reich

Robert Rubin

Donna Shalala

Jane Sherburne

George Stephanopoulos

Michael Waldman
photo of madeline albright
As Clinton's Secretary of State during his second term, she was an outspoken advocate for U.S. intervention abroad, especially in Kosovo. She served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during Clinton's first term.

Paul Begala
photo of Paul Begala
A political consultant and speechwriter, he (with partner James Carville) devised the strategy behind Clinton’s 1992 campaign. He went on to serve as Clinton’s political advisor at the White House.

samuel berger
photo of samuel berger
A longtime friend of Clinton, he served as National Security Advisor during the president’s second term. During the first term, he was top deputy at the National Security Council.

james carville
photo of james carville
A political consultant, he ran Clinton’s 1992 campaign. He and George Stephanopoulos formed the War Room to respond aggressively to the ‘incoming’ that hit the campaign. Carville did not take a position in Clinton’s administration, but continued to act as an informal political advisor. He co-authored with his wife, Mary Matalin, a 1994 book, All's Fair: Love, War, and Running for President.

gregory craig
photo of gregory craig
A Washington attorney, he served as a White House special counsel during Clinton’s impeachment in 1999.

rahm emanuel
photo of rahm emanuel
After raising a record $70 million as finance director for Clinton’s 1992 campaign, he planned the inauguration and went on to serve as political director, then senior advisor, at the White House. He left the White House in October 1998.

david gergen
photo of david gergen
An advisor to three Republican presidents, Clinton brought him to the White House in 1993 in a move that caused resentment among the White House staff. Gergen left the administration in December 1994. He is the author of a 2000 book on his White House years, Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of Leadership, Nixon to Clinton.

anthony lake
photo of anthony lake
He was National Security Advisor during Clinton’s first term. The president nominated him to be CIA director in December 1996, but he withdrew his nomination in the face of opposition from Republican senators.

joe lockhart
photo of joe lockhart
He was White House press secretary during Clinton’s impeachment trial, and held the post from October 1998, when Mike McCurry resigned, until October 2000.

michael mccurry
photo of michael mccurry
As White House press secretary from 1995 to 1998, he was often what he called "the chum in the feeding frenzy," especially during the Lewinsky scandal. He left the White House in October 1998, joking to reporters, "Free at last!"

dick morris
photo of dick morris
A political strategist who advised Clinton on and off since 1978, he devised the ‘triangulation’ policy that helped the president win reelection in 1996. Clinton initially hid Morris’s role from his White House staff, referring to him by the code name "Charlie." He is the author of a 1998 book on his White House experience: Behind the Oval Office: Getting Reelected Against All Odds.

dee dee myers
photo of dee dee myers
She was spokeswoman for Clinton’s 1992 campaign and White House press secretary for the first two years of his presidency. She resigned in December 1994.

leon panetta
photo of leon panetta
An eight-term congressman from California, he joined the Clinton administration in 1993 as budget director and became White House Chief of Staff the following year. He left after Clinton’s reelection in 1996.

john podesta
photo of john podesta
As deputy chief of staff from 1997, he coordinated the White House's responses to Kenneth Starr's Whitewater probe. He became Chief of Staff in November 1998.

robert reich
photo of robert reich
A friend of Clinton since the two were Rhodes Scholars at Oxford, he served as Secretary of Labor in the president’s first cabinet. He was earlier a professor of government at Harvard. He wrote a 1997 book on his experience in the Clinton presidency, Locked in the Cabinet.

robert rubin
photo of robert rubin
As Treasury Secretary from 1995 to 1999, he was the main architect of the Clinton administration’s economic policy. He was formerly co-chairman of Goldman Sachs.

donna shalala
photo of donna shalala
Formerly a political science professor, she served as Clinton’s Secretary of Health and Human Services throughout his presidency.

jane sherburne
photo of jane sherburne
As a White House special counsel from 1994 until 1996, she was responsible for damage control on Whitewater-related matters.

george stephanopoulos
photo of george stephanopoulos
As communications director of Clinton’s 1992 campaign, he helped set up the War Room that responded aggressively to attacks. He then became an advisor at the White House, but left after Clinton’s first term. He wrote a 1999 book on his experiences in the Clinton campaign and presidency, All Too Human: A Political Education.

michael waldman
photo of michael waldman
He was the chief White House speechwriter from 1995 to 1999 and is the author of a 2000 book, POTUS Speaks: Finding the Words that Defined the Clinton.

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