the clinton years

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chris bury, interviewer
photo of Chris Bury A journalist for ABC News since 1982, Bury became a correspondent for ABC News "Nightline" in January 1993. Since then he has covered many major stories in the Clinton presidency, including the impeachment and Senate trial, the 1996 presidential race, the Clinton White House, Whitewater, the Asian economic crisis, the political battle over health care reform, U.S.military policy in Somalia, gays in the military, and the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas and its political aftermath.

During the 1992 presidential election Bury served as ABC's "World News Tonight" correspondent covering the Clinton campaign. He traveled full-time with Clinton throughout the early primaries and covered the Democratic convention and the November election. In addition, in 1990 Bury reported on the U.S. preparation for Operation Desert Shield from Saudi Arabia, and during the 1980s and 1990s covered many other major international and domestic stories.

[Read Ted Koppel's and Chris Bury's comments on this special report, "The Clinton Years."]

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