the choice 2000
hometools for choiceare you sure?bushgore

the diary of the undecided voter: colleen devereux
photo of colleen devereux

watch her video profile (realplayer g2)

·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)

·Down the Stretch: Still Reserving Final Judgment (10.31.2000)

·After The Final Debate: Tipping Slightly Toward Gore After His Strong Showing (10.20.2000)

·After the Second Debate: Still Waiting to Hear a Reason to Vote for One Guy Over the Other (10.13.2000)

·After the First Debate: Tie Goes to the Guy Who Didn't Screw it Up? (10.4.2000)

·Introduction (10.2.2000)

Colleen is 25 years old and works as a web editor for a large private university. She is engaged to be married.

voting history
In 1992 she was ineligible to vote. In 1996 she voted for Bill Clinton.

key concerns
taxes, welfare, and social security

personal note
She is regular church-goer and is pro-choice. She believes in practicing abstinence, but doesn't want the government to get involved in these areas.

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Voting for Gore
November 7, 2000

I'll be voting for Gore. I feel more confident in his experience. In this election, it seems to come down to a choice between voting economically or socially. Economically I'm not content with either of them. Socially I feel better about Gore and his stand on the environment, pro-choice issues and the choices he will make for Supreme Court justices.

I've been very discontented during most of this campaign and I think I've finally nailed down the reason why - I've been ignored. I've heard both candidates talk a lot about married people, parents, senior citizens... where are the single people (of any age) in their plans? It would be nice if they had paid us a bit of attention.

All in all this has been a disappointing choice.

previous dispatches
·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)
·Down the Stretch: Still Reserving Final Judgment (10.31.2000)
·After The Final Debate: Tipping Slightly Toward Gore After His Strong Showing (10.20.2000)
·After the Second Debate: Still Waiting to Hear a Reason to Vote for One Guy Over the Other (10.13.2000)
·After the First Debate: Tie Goes to the Guy Who Didn't Screw it Up? (10.4.2000)
·Introduction (10.2.2000)

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