the choice 2000
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best of the web: General sites, political ads, the American presidency, election studies
PBS Democracy Project

The PBS Democracy Project has drawn on some of the best sources on American politics--integrating them with one another, making them as user-friendly as possible, then augmenting them with first-rate original features. There are a number of ways to customize the content to fit your interests and your state and local races. There are also a number of interactive features that break down the anatomy of a political campaign in clear and informative ways. Not to be missed is their "Voting in America" timeline, and "What do you think?" pro and con pieces on hot topics. The site also offers a comprehensive guide to all PBS election programming-- on the air, and on the internet.


Funded by the non-profit Markle Foundation, and composed of a consortium of the 17 largest internet sites and news organizations, WebWhiteBlue is an experiment in expanding democracy in the internet age. The centerpiece of the site is a "rolling cyber debate" where the candidates answer questions from correspondents around the country. The site also monitors candidate campaign sites, offering the best and most topical highlights. Their selection of the best election year web features might be the most comprehensive and finely tuned such list on the web.
Freedom Channel

Watch, listen, or read text versions of statements by candidates at all levels of government all around the country--search by issue or state, or compare candidates in a head-to-head format. Also, you'll find an extensive collection of statements by issue advocates on all manner of policy questions. Several other features rate special attention: an online version of the bible of political professionals, The Almanac of American Politics (updated for 2000); and an up-to-date collection of campaign ads from races nationwide.
Project Vote Smart

Project Vote Smart has compiled the nation's most comprehensive database of "all known possible and declared candidates for the office of President of the United States." More than 300 candidates from over 40 different parties are considered here, including anyone who has done one or more of the following: publicly announced his/her candidacy; filed with the FEC, formed an Exploratory Committee, been drafted by others, or otherwise made themselves known to Project Vote Smart. The site also features: a library of public statements by all candidates on all issues; a National Political Awareness Test to help understand's candidate's positions; voting records; and campaign finance information.

political ads
Campaign Adwatch

As part of the "Democracy in Action" project at George Washington University, this site features the most comprehensive and up-to-date archive of political ads from the 2000 campaign. Some are available in streaming video; all are shown in text versions with a brief analysis and, often, still frames from the ad itself. Included here are ads from the Bush and Gore camps, as well as "issue" ads sponsored by the national party committees.

· Classic Political Ads



America's 43rd president will join a long line leaders. Throughout 1999, C-Span carried out an ambitious, pioneering project to document the lives of all of the American presidents--profiling them, interviewing historians, and visiting the historic birthplaces, burial places, and presidential libraries. The entire extraordinary series is available online, with a great deal of additional material unique to the web. C-Span also asked a blue-ribbon panel of historians and presidential scholars to rate the presidents--the results are often predictable, but sometimes surprising and always thought provoking.

What did Benjamin Harrison, America's 23rd president, actually sound like? In what may be the oldest known recording of any US President, Harrison's voice was recorded on an Edison wax cylinder around 1889. This is just one of many treasures from collection compiled by Michigan State University which are available in streaming audio on the web.


Want to know more about how candidates are using the web in their campaigns? Not sure whether to trust information from for-profit political web sites? provides some of the deepest analysis of these questions--and many others--of any group in the country. Funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, and run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Net is among the leaders in analyzing American politics in the internet age. Use the site to compare features on the different candidate sites--are some not offering information that most others are? Also read the latest research on the effect of the web on the outcome of elections at all levels of American politics.
The Vanishing Voter Project

Designed "to study and invigorate the American electoral process," the Vanishing Voter Project took as a starting point some grim facts from the 1996 presidential election: Less than 50% of registered voters turned out at the polls; the viewing audiences for the major televised campaign events were near the lowest ever recorded. Will this trend continue in 2000? Conducted by the Kennedy School of Government's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, the project has been maintaining a "voter involvement index" based on answers to four questoins: whether people say they are currently paying close attention to the campaign, whether they are thinking about the campaign, talking about it, and following it in the news.

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